1.      1. Multimedia production design phase consists of
 a. Extreme long shot
 b. Flowcharting
 c. Flash
 d. Tracking shot


ANSWER :         B  

2.     2. The term is also sometimes used to simply refer to an animated GIF

 a  a. Spirited Animation
 b. Raster Animation
 c. Coded Animation
 d. Flask Animation

ANSWER :      A     


3.     3. What is the name of space where you design and preview text and graphics , the central panel in the title window

 a   a. Timeline panel
 b. Title panel
 c. Source panel
 d. Tools panel

ANSWER :         B

4.     4. They are all common authoring metaphors are except one

 a  a. scripting language metaphor
 b. slide show metaphor
 c. hierarchical metaphor
 d. linear metaphor

ANSWER :          D


5.     5. The free-floating window made up of a group of panels

 a  a. tilter
 b. tracks
 c. end slider
 d. start slider

ANSWER :        B   


6.      6. The process of compiling a composition into final output from all output from all of its layers and settings; project plays more smoothly and much closer to real time

 a   a. editing
 b. rendering
 c. cut line
 d. opacity

ANSWER :     B      


7.     7. The point where a clip has been split. It is marked by a vertical line between two clips. Use the razor tool to create this

 a   a. rendering
 b. editing
 c. end slider
 d. cut line

ANSWER :    D       


8.     8. Where you store your video and audio files

 a   a. still
 b. bin
 c. tilter
 d. roll

ANSWER :      B     


9.    9. Which of these features does not affect presenting multimedia content?

 a   a. fonts
 b. style
 c. color principles
 d. graphic styles

 ANSWER :         B  

10 . Contains the video you are creating

a.     project file

b.     program panel

c.      start slider

d.     audio mete

        ANSWER :      A


11.     Used to increase or decrease the number of visible frames in the viewing area
 a. zoom slider
 b. start slider
 c. end slider
 d. tools panel

ANSWER :            A


12.     A feature of the premiere pro timeline panel that measure the time in sequence horizontally and displays icons for makers and in and out points
 a. rendering
 b. title tools
 c. timecode
 d. opacity


ANSWER :          C 


13.     A procedure done during the export process so that other people will be able to view a movie
 a. timecodes
 b. encode
 c. fading
 d. editing


ANSWER :            B


14.     An editing plan for a video clip prior to implementation which includes information such as script, timing, special effects and images
 a. timeline
 b. movie timeline
 c. storyboarding
 d. clip


ANSWER :       C    


15.     Might be included in a movie or as a background audio to provide information or enhance the user’s experience of the website
 a. audio
 b. video
 c. sound
 d. noise


ANSWER :      A     


16.     A linear presentation by default, although tools exist to perform jumps in slide show
 a. linear flow
 b. slide show metaphor
 c. non-linear flow
 d. hierarchical metaphor



ANSWER :            B


17.     Uses a simple index card structure ____easy route to producing applications that use hypertexts or hypermedia
 a. card metaphor
 b. slide show metaphor
 c. iconic/flow-control metaphor
 d. none


ANSWER :      A     


18.     A text description of the multimedia product, that describes; the aims and objectives of the product. The target audience and the multimedia contents of the product
 a. script
 b. frames
 c. frames metaphor
 d. scripting metaphor


ANSWER :           


19.     ---------is an effective way to indicate a change to the next section
 a. dissolve
 b. cut transition
 c. video transition
 d. fade in and out

ANSWER :       C


20.     Resolution is an important factor to measure the visual quality of digital images, photos and videos. A higher resolution signifies the picture contains more pixels, which means it can display more visual information. As a result, a high-resolution picture is sharper and clearer than a low-resolution one


a.     True

b.     False


ANSWER :     A      


21.     What is codec
 a. a type of video formatting
 b. coding
 c. a form typically used in videos
 d. a type of software used to compress large video files


ANSWER :        D   


22.     An animation program for developing 2-D animation delivered on the web
 a. adobe flash
 b. rollover
 c. shockwave
 d. optical weight


ANSWER :        A   


23.     Dissolve replaces every pixel with a mixture over time of the two videos , gradually replacing the first by the second
 a. true
 b. false


ANSWER :      A     


24.     In externalization hyperlinks allow us the freedom to partially mimic the author’s thought process
 a. true
 b. false


ANSWER :          A  


25.     To change the background color of H1 to green and text to yellow
 a. H1(background; url{“pic.gif”})
 b. P(color :yellow; text align ; right )
 c. P(font; underline)
 d. P(text-indent: 8pt)


ANSWER :      B     


26.     To underline text for P
 a. A:visited (color:blie)
 b. P(text-decoration:underline)
c. P(font: underline)
d. P(text-indent:8pt)


ANSWER :      C     


27.     What is the full intro tag to an html document?
 a. <style></style>
 b. <! doctype  html>
 c. H1 ID =heading
 d. H1(color; red)


ANSWER :      B     


28.     Combining various elements of multimedia

ANSWER :           


Multimedia design


29.     The three types of animation are

ANSWER :           

Traditional Animation2D Animation (Vector-based) 3D AnimationMotion Graphics.


30.     Most versatile type of animation

ANSWER :           


3D Animation


31.     ------------------------------- is the technology of electronically capturing , recording, processing, storing, transmitting, and reconstructing a sequence of still images representing scenes in motion.

ANSWER :           




32.     ------------------------------------ it is a series of graphics that create an illusion of motion

ANSWER :           




33.     -------------------------------------- can be combined in a multimedia presentation to provide information and enhance the other media being presented.

ANSWER :           




34.     ------------------------------------ a digital representation of non-text information , such as a drawing , chart, or photograph

ANSWER :           




35.     Creates vector paths that can be converted into selections that in turn can be used to extract or mask groups of pixels
 a. slides
 b. hand
 c. pen
 d. razor


ANSWER :     C       


36.     Move a clip back and forth in the timeline , while simultaneously adjust clips to compensate
 a. slide
 b. wipe
 c. type
 d. selection


ANSWER :       A    



37.     Video created with digital images, words, transitions and music
 a. video
 b. audio
 c. video montage
 d. audiovisual montage


ANSWER :       C    



38.     A basic effect used on images to fade in or out by applying the opacity effect
 a. fading
 b. wipe
 c. slide 
 d. vanish


ANSWER :        A   


39.     Panel that displays the contents of the timeline
 a. program
 b. program panel
 c. program bin
 d. program pane


ANSWER :       D    


40.     A command that removes a clip from a sequence without leaving any gaps if the clip being removed is located between two other clips
 a. delete
 b. ripple delete
 c. sequence delete
 d. cutline delete


ANSWER :      B     


41.     The section of the timeline panel where most editing takes place
 a. sequence
 b. timeline
 c. movie timeline
 d. timeline panel


ANSWER :       D    


42.     A rollover button on a webpage is an example of this programming language
 a. css
 b. java
 c. php.
 d. javascript


ANSWER :    D       


43.     Allows you to add interactivity in your flash movie
 a. action writing
 b. script
 c. javascript
 d. action script


ANSWER :     D      


44.     The arrangement of panels in the application window
 a. work panes
 b. workspace
 c. workspace panel
 d. application work area


ANSWER :    B       


45.     What does CSS stand for ?
 a. cascading style sheet
 b. computer style sheet
 c. creative style sheet
 d. colorful style sheet


ANSWER :     A      


46.     How do you change the text color of an element?
 a. selector
 b. rule
 c. tag
 d. value


ANSWER :    C       


47.     Which HTML tag is used to define an internal style sheet?
 a. <style>
 b. < script>
 c. <css>
 d. none of these


ANSWER :  A         


48.     In CSS what does “ color: blue” can be called as
 a. selector
 b. rule
 c. declaration
 d. value


ANSWER :     B      


49.     Which selector is used to specify a group of elements?
 a. name
 b. ID
 c. class
 d. tag


ANSWER :    C       


50.     Which of the following value of cursor shows it as a pointing hand
 a. crosshair
 b. default
 c. move
 d. pointer


ANSWER :      A     


51.     Which property is used to increase or decrease the size of a font?

 A. font
 b. font-size
 c. font-variant
 d. font-weight


ANSWER :        B   


52.     What is the correct sequence of html tag for starting a webpage?
 a. head, title, HTML
 b. title, head, HTML
 c. HTML, head, title
 d. html, title , head


ANSWER :       C    


53.     Multimedia production consist of
 a. an art director
 b. graphic designer
 c. production artist
 d. all of the above


ANSWER :       D    


54.     Choose the correct HTML, tag for the largest heading
 a. H1
 b. <h1>
 c. Head
 d. H6


ANSWER :        B   


55.     What is the correct tag for inserting a line break?
 a. Br
 a. Break
 c. Lb
 d. <br/>


ANSWER :      D     


56.     Choose correct HTML tag to make text bold?
 a. bold
 b. B
 c. bid
 d. <b>


ANSWER :     D     


57.     What is the correct HTML tag for inserting an image
 a. <img href=”image.png”/>
 b. <imgsrc=”image.png”/>
 c. <image href=”image.png”//>
 d. <img> image .png”


ANSWER :    A       


58.     How can you create an email link?
 a. a href=mailto:xx@yyy
 b. a href=”xxx@yyy”
 c. mail>xxx@yyy
 d. mail href=”xxx@yyy”


ANSWER :        A   


59.     What does HTML stand for?
 a. hyper text markup language
 b. hyperlinks and text markup language
 c. home tool markup language
 d. hypertext transfer language



ANSWER :     A      




(Answer all question)

1. Explain the difference between a Vector images and Bitmap images


Vector image is an Images created with software that uses geometrical formulas to represent images while;

Bitmap image is a bitmap that represents the image as an array of dots, called pixels.

Bitmap images Bitmap graphics are also called raster graphics.


2. List four (4) uses of Video


1.     The embedding of video in multimedia applications is a powerful way to convey information which can incorporate a personal element which other media lack.

2.     Promoting television shows, films, or other non-computer media that traditionally have used trailers in their advertising.

3.     Giving users an impression of a speaker’s personality.

4.     Showing things that move. For example a clip from a motion picture. Product demos of physical products are also well suited for video.


3. Give two (2) advantages of Digital video


1.     One of the advantages of digitized video is that it can be easily edited.

2.     The video is stored as a standard computer file.

3.     Software motion video does not require specialized hardware for playback.

4.     Digital video requires neither a video board in the computer nor an external device (which adds extra costs and complexity) such as a videodisc player.

5.     Long-lasting.



4. Explain the difference between Animation and Video


Animation is a series of graphics that create an illusion of motion while;

Video is the technology of electronically capturing, recording, processing, storing, transmitting, and reconstructing a sequence of still images representing scenes in motion



5.  a) Differentiate between Multimedia and Multimedia authoring


Multimedia it’s a media that uses multiple form of information content and information processing while;

Multimedia authoring involves collating, structuring and presenting information in the form of a digital multimedia, which can incorporate text, audio, and still and moving images.

  b) List the Six stages of Production in Multimedia


1.     Planning Meeting

2.     Script Writing

3.     Story Boarding

4.     Designing

5.     Editing

6.     Production


6. Define multimedia authoring metaphor


Authoring is the process of creating multimedia applications or are methodologies employed to create multimedia applications.


7. List the three (3) features that affect presenting multimedia content


1) Graphics Styles         2)  Color principles and guidelines            3)  Fonts



1.     Graphics Styles: Human visual dynamics are considered in regard to how such presentations must be constructed.

2.     Color principles and guidelines: Some color schemes and art styles are best combined with a certain theme or style. A general hint is to not use too many colors, as this can be distracting.

3.     Fonts: For effective visual communication in a presentation, it is best to use large fonts (i.e., 18 to 36 points), and no more than 6 to 8 lines per screen (fewer than on this screen!). Fig. 2.4 shows a comparison of two screen projections



9. Give the full meaning of the following


  a) NTSC :  National Television Standards Committee

  b) GIF :  Graphics Interchange Format

  c) MP4 :  Digital multimedia container format

  d) SECAM : Sequential Color and Memory




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