Terms & Conditions

Frenartechweb's terms and conditions! Please read the following Terms & Conditions carefully before using https://www.frenartechweb.com. Please get in touch with us at frenartechweb@gmail.com if you have any questions about any of the following conditions of usage of our website. You accept our terms and conditions and our privacy statement by using frenartechweb (hereafter referred to as website) and its content. If you disagree with any of the terms and conditions, you should stop using the website right away. You acknowledge that using the website for any illegal activity is prohibited and that you will abide by all relevant rules and laws. You undertake not to make any use of the frenartechweb website that could harm its functionality, impede its performance, or corrupt or modify any of the data or content that is made available there. You hereby agree not to undermine the security of the website, attempt to enter restricted parts of the website, or access any sensitive data you may suspect to be present on the website or the server on which it is located. If you use the website after agreeing to the terms and conditions in this agreement, you accept full responsibility for any claim, damage, loss, liability, charges, and fees—including attorneys' fees—that we incur as a result of any violation of those terms and conditions. Reproduction and distribution using any technique, online or offline, are not expressly forbidden. The website's work is owned by https://www.frenartechweb.com, as are the photographs, logos, text, and other similar pieces of material (unless otherwise stated). Disclaimer Although we make every effort to publish material on our website that is entirely correct and as current as possible, occasionally some of the data you discover there might be a little out of date. Frenartechweb retains the right to change or update the information on the website at any time and without prior notice. The Terms and Conditions of Use have changed. The aforementioned Terms and Conditions of Use are subject to modification and revision. 25 October 2022; last updated

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