1. When subordinates in various organisations resist the control of their superiors, this can lead to

          a. vertical conflicts.

b. line-staff conflicts.

c. role conflicts.

d. horizontal conflicts.




2. When a department strives to achieve its goals by looking down on the interest of other departments, there is bound to be 

a. line-staff conflict.

b. horizontal conflict.

c. intra-department conflict

d. vertical conflict.




3. It is important for conflict analysis to analyse conflicts in order for them to

a. get a systematic understanding of conflict.

b. obtain the necessary information to transform conflicts.

c. understand conflicts from the beginning to the end.

d. get adequate information about conflicts.



4. The organisation of democratic elections in Africa is usually characterised by conflicts because

a. there is insecurity at all polling stations.

b. the parties have a mentality to win elections at all cost.

c. opposition parties in Africa are very vigilant.

d. the Electoral Commissions in Africa are usually not unfair.



5. Because there are differences in the way people look at issues,

a. conflict will inevitably occur in most human social gatherings.

b. mediators must be trained to acquire the skills for resolving conflicts.

c. conflicts must be handled with care to avoid violence.

d. everybody must study something about conflicts.



6. Disagreements between parents may create conflicts because

a. such disagreements may not be handle well.

b. parents may disagree on several issues.

c. it is a normal practice for parents to disagree on some issues.

d. everybody thinks that he or she is right.



7. Why it is that Uganda as a country, cannot be forgotten as far as conflict studies is concerned?

a. All the known terrorist groups are found there.

b. Boko Haram’s headquarters can be found there.

c. The terrorist group, the Lord’s Resistance Army is resident there.

d. It is the headquarters of the al-Shabab.



8. Why does intolerance create conflicts in the family?

a. Those whose ideas are not listened to may react negatively.

b. Some people are falsely accused of wrong doing.

c. The progress of the family members may be compromised.

d. Some members are blamed for the sufferings of the family.



9. How will incompatibility between couples lead to marital conflicts?

a. It will make them bad roles models. b. It will promote respect among them.

c. It will compromise their ability to accept each other’s views.

d. Couples should go for counselling to overcome their incompatibility.



10. Parties to a conflict either participate directly or indirectly in the conflict

a. because they believe that the conflicts can gradually spread to affect everybody.

b. because they think that conflicts lead to loss of lives and property.

c. in order to safeguard against their interest, positions and needs.

d. because there are primary parties and shadows in every conflict.


11. It is possible for the conflict cycle to be re-enacted if the

a. needs of the parties are not address.

b. progression stage is full of mistrust.

c. parties do not trust the mediator

d. the desire of one department for more resources at the expense of others.



12. In all violent conflicts, the stage of crisis is usually marked by large-scale population displacement. What accounts for this development?

a. There is intense fighting between parties.

b. Parties use small arms and light weapons.

c. Rapid population growth brings about displacement.

d. Those in the conflict zones try to avoid danger.



13. The main cause of line-staff conflict is

a. clashes over authority relationships.

b. help to identify parties to a conflict

c. the disregard for the goals of other departments.

d. superior-subordinate relationships.



14. Why are conflicts considered inevitable?

a. People come from difference ethnic and religious background.

b. Human history is characterized by conflicts

c. people pursue different goals and clash in the process

d. some people find it difficult to cope with life.



15. Why is it not easy to analyse and manage an intrinsic conflict?

a. intrinsic conflict can be caused by several factors such as one’s failure in business.

b. The causes of intrinsic conflict cannot easily be diagnosed.

c. Because it is a kind of conflict which takes place in an individual.

d. Intrinsic conflicts disturb one’s inner peace and creates an inner disturbance



16. Traces of conflict can be found at various parts of Ghana even though

a. Ghanaians are perceived to be peace loving people.

b. political party leaders want to win elections at all cost.

c. the security services need to be vigilant.

d. Ghanaians are God-fearing.



17. At the peak of the conflicts,

a. one side wins and the other loses

b. there is intense fighting

c. there is decrease in violence

d. the conflict is hidden from public view



18. Conflict is ideas is also referred to as

a. ideal conflict.

b. conflict of position.

c. conflict of debates.

d. functional conflict.



19. The tough and uncompromising stands that parties to a conflict take and assume are called

a. needs.

b. positions.

c. interest.

d. aggression.



20. The presence of the militant group, the al-Shabab can be found in the following two countries.

a. Algeria and Nigeria

b. The Central African Republic and Uganda

c. Somalia and Kenya

d. Algeria and Tunisia



21. In Ghana, some landowners and traditional leaders may sell the same plot of land to many people. Such a practice can be described as

a. injustice.

b. unfaithfully.

c. greed.

d. discrimination.



22. Disagreements between parents may create conflicts because  

a. it is a normal practice for parents to disagree on some issues.

b. everybody thinks that he or she is right.

c. such disagreements may not be handle well.

d. parents may disagree on several issues.



23. Where an individual is forced to do things against his or her values, this likely going to cause

a. inter-role conflicts.

b. intra-role conflicts

c. intra-personal conflicts

d. person-role conflicts.  




Conflict Management Past Questions


1.     Forgiveness is an attitude needed in conflict prevention. This is because

Select one:

a. it takes away the anger one bears against the offender. 

b. people must show remorse when they offend others.

c. as human beings we are not perfect.

d. we must learn to forgive people when they offend us

Answer: B


2.     Which of the following about mediation is not true?

Select one:

a. It is carried out at a high cost.

b. It creates an unfriendly atmosphere in resolving conflict. 

c. It generates confidentiality in resolving conflicts.

d. It preserves relationship after the process.

Answer: D


3.     Which of the following about adjudication is true?

Select one:

a. It is employed to resolve all conflicts.

 b. It is usually employed by the law courts

c. It is basically a win-win method of conflict resolution.

d. Traditional leaders usually employ it to resolve conflicts.

Answer: B


4.   For individuals to be able to overcome intra-role conflicts in an organization, there is the need

Select one:

a. To examine person-role conflict.

b. to undertake role analysis. 

c. To study whether there is line-staff conflict.

d. For conflict resolution.

Answer: B


5.   What is the focus of grassroots community-based activities in dealing with conflicts?

Select one:

a. To resolve conflicts.

b. To educate people about conflicts.

c. To prevent conflicts. 

d. To manage conflicts.

Answer: C


6.   Which of the following about negotiation is true?

Select one:

a. Judgment is pronounced by the mediator.

b. The offender is usually compensated. 

c. It usually takes place with a third-party assistance.

d. It usually takes place between the two parties in conflict

Answer: D


7.   Why did the members of the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) attack the civilians in Sierra Leone with machetes and axes?

Select one:

a. An amputee camp was created to house amputees.

b. They wanted to gain control of the diamond mines.

 c. They wanted to overthrow Major-General Momoh.

d. They wanted the civilians to join them.

Answer: B

8. The organization of democratic elections in Africa is usually characterized by conflicts because

Select one:

a. opposition parties in Africa are very vigilant.

b. there is insecurity at all polling stations. 

c. the Electoral Commissions in Africa are usually not unfair.

d. the parties have a mentality to win elections at all cost.

Answer: D


9.  During the 2010 presidential elections in Cots d’Ivoire, the three main contestants were

Select one:

a. Houphouet Boigny, Ouattara and Bedie.

b. Gbagbo, Houphouet Boigny and Fodary Sankah 

c. Major-General Momah, Ouattara and Gbagbo

d. Ouattara, Gbagbo and Bedie

Answer: D


10. Alternative means of settling are searched for in the

Select one:

a. post-conflict stage.

b. confrontation stage.

c. crises stage of conflict. 

d. the outcome stage

Answer: D


 11. When communities protest over the citing of projects in other communities,

Select one:

a. the government should ensure that all the communities benefit from such projects. 

b. such a situation may lead to inter-community conflicts.

c. the assembly members from all the communities must resolve the matter.

d. this is likely to cause intra-community conflicts.

Answer: B


12. One of the benefits of the mediator restating what parties say during the conflict resolution process is that it

Select one:

a. serves as a mirror for the mediator.

b. reduces time wasting during the resolution process. 

c. cools down the tempers of the parties.

d. allows parties to hear themselves and stop telling lies.

Answer: D


13. Conflict of ideas is also referred to as

Select one:

a. ideal conflict.

b. conflict of debates.

c. functional conflict.

d. conflict of positions. 

Answer: C


 14. To minimize conflicts, African governments should avoid all the following except

Select one:

 a. witch hunting of political opponents.

b. repressive rule.

c. promoting meritocracy.

d. nepotism. 

Answer: C


 15. Accommodating is classified as a

Select one:

a. lose-win situation 

b. win-win situation

c. lose-lose situation

d. win-lose situation

Answer: A


 16. Which of the following countries created a camp for amputees when the conflicts it experienced ended?

Select one:

a. Sierra Leone

b. DR Congo 

c. Liberia

d. Rwanda

Answer: A


17. Which conflict management style is justified with the following statement? “If I make other people happy, I am satisfied?”

Select one:

a. Collaborating

b. Accommodation 

c. Competing

d. Avoiding

Answer: B


18. It was alleged that Allassane was a/an ………………………….. and so he was disqualified from contesting the presidential elections of Cote d’Ivoire.

Select one:

a. Ivorian 

b. Burkinabe

c. Nigerian

d. Togolese

Answer: B


 19.  ADR saves time because

Select one:

a. it accommodates parties’ emotions.

b. it speedily deals with cases.

c. the cost of mediation is very low.

d. it is conducted in atmosphere of friendliness. 

Answer: B


20. All the following were the effects of the Ivorian conflict except

Select one:

a. cocoa and coffee exports saw a major boost.

b. about 50% health workers abandoned their duty posts. 

c. household food security suffered a setback.

d. about 200,000 people become refugees.

Answer: A

21. In all violent conflicts, the stage of crises is usually marked by large-scale population displacement. What accounts for this development?

Select one:

a. Rapid population growth brings about displacement.

b. There is intense fighting between parties. 

c. Those in the conflict zones try to avoid danger.

d. Parties use small arms and light weapons 

Answer: C


22.  In mediation, the neutral third party, usually referred to as the mediator, is only an/a

Select one:

a. judge. 

b. arbitrator.

c. negotiator.

d. facilitator.

Answer: D


23. Love is very important in the prevention of conflicts because

Select one:

a. humans are born to love.

b. it minimizes co-operation.

c. it makes people get married.

d. it makes people feel a sense of belonging. 

Answer: D


24. The stage in a violent conflict in which the government intervenes to impose a solution and stop the fighting is called

Select one:

a. crisis stage 

b. confrontation stage

c. post-conflict stage

d. outcome stage

Answer: D


25. In the pre-conflict stage,

Select one:

a. there is large-scale population displacement. 

b. parties try to avoid contact with one another.

c. there are low levels of violence.

d. parties search for allies to seek their support.

Answer: B


 26. Accommodating is classified as a

Select one:

a. lose-win situation 

b. lose-lose situation

c. win-win situation

d. win-lose situation

Answer: A


27. When members of a given community always hope for the best to happen to their neighbours, in an attempt to prevent conflicts, this is an example of

Select one:

a. positive thinking. 

b. fairness to everybody.

c. tolerance with each other.

d. respect for one another.


Answer: A


 28. The main cause of line-staff conflict is

Select one:

a. superior-subordinate relationships.

b. clashes over authority relationships. 

c. the desire of one department for more resources at the expense of others.

d. the disregard for the goals of other departments.


Answer: A


29. Because there are differences in the way people look at issues,

Select one:

a. conflicts will inevitably occur in most human social gatherings. 

b. mediators must be trained to acquire the skills for resolving conflicts.

c. everybody must study something about conflicts.

d. conflicts must be handled with care to avoid violence.


Answer: A


30. All the following are characteristics of case studies in conflict analysis except they

Select one:

a. help to establish wrongdoing in conflict situations. 

b. help to identify parties to a conflict.

c. clarify areas of doubt in the conflict resolution process.

d. give information to interveners.


Answer: A


31. An organization has a procedure to address its conflicts, but it is so costly, time-consuming and personally risky that no one uses it. What name is given to this technique of conflict management?

Select one:

a. Ineffective technique 

b. Administrative orbiting

c. Due process non-action

d. Procrastination


Answer: C

32. It is possible for the conflict cycle to be re-enacted if the

Select one:

a. progression stage is full of mistrust.

b. parties do not trust the mediator.

c. conflict process is not made clear.

d. needs of the parties are not addressed. 


Answer: D


33. One of the negative effects of conflicts on families is that it

Select one:

a. unifies members. 

b. compromises the unity of members.

c. enhances the integration of family members.

d. promotes the development of family members.


Answer: B


 34. There is the need for parents to avoid conflicts with their children by using different methods to raise them to suit the different stages of the life cycle from infancy to adult because

Select one:

a. such a practice will cater for the needs of the children at different times.

b. certain methods are too harsh for children and hence, must be modified. 

c. children need to be exposed to different training methods.

d. different methods of training must be employed by parents.


Answer: A



35.  When a department strives to achieve its goals by looking down on the interest of other departments, there is bound to be

Select one:

a. intra-department conflict.

b. vertical conflict.

c. horizontal conflict. 

d. line-staff conflict.


Answer: C


36.  In many African countries, conflicts are state and government generated because

Select one:

a. the rule of law is practiced to the latter.

b. democracy is practiced. 

c. the rights of the minority are respected.

d. most regimes are hardly sensitive and incompetent.


Answer: D



37.  Which of the following about mediation is not true?

Select one:

a. It preserves relationship after the process.

b. It creates an unfriendly atmosphere in resolving conflict. 

c. It is carried out at a high cost.

d. It generates confidentiality in resolving conflicts.


Answer: A


38.  All the following are important in minimizing martial conflicts through pre-marital and marital counselling except

Select one:

a. family members and friends.

b. marriage partners are assisted with information to manage the challenges they would face. 

c. marriage partners are assisted to understand their respective roles.

d. partners are provided with information on home management, conflict management, etc.


Answer: A



39.  The lack of inadequacy of resources may create conflicts in families because

Select one:

a. some individuals may be held responsible.

b. resources are scare everywhere. 

c. certain members cannot cope with life.

d. families are maintained with resources.


Answer: A



40.  All the following are the characteristics of minority groups except they are

Select one:

a. physically disadvantaged.

b. subjected to unequal treatment.

c. culturally disadvantaged. 

d. numerically disadvantaged.


Answer: D



41.  When conflicts are characterized by atrocities and crimes committed against humanity, such conflicts are resolved through

Select one:

a. peace enforcement.

b. adjudication. 

c. crises management.

d. collaboration.


Answer: C



42.  How will incompatibility between couples lead to marital conflicts?

Select one:

a. It will make them bad role models.

b. It will compromise their ability to accept each other’s views. 

c. It will compromise respect among them.

d. Couples should go for counselling to overcome their incompatibility.


Answer: C




43.  In conflict resolution, the third-party activity that is adopted to persuade parties to work towards a peaceful resolution is called

Select one:

a. communication

b. arbitration

c. conciliation

d. mediation 


Answer: C



44.  In which of the methods of conflict resolution can curfew be imposed in a defined geographical area?

Select one:

a. Peace keeping

b. Negotiation

c. Conciliation

d. Peace enforcement 


Answer: D



45.  In ADR, usually there is no official actions or decisions that have happened in the past and that is seen as an example or a rule to be followed in a similar situation later. This is referred to as the

Select one:

a. the absence of confidentiality.

b. absence of unfriendly court atmosphere. 

c. lack of binding precedent.

d. revelation of a party’s evidence.


Answer: C



46.  What will be the outcome if an individual is confronted with several expectations that he or she would find it difficult to meet?

Select one:

a. He or she would not be effective at the workplace.

b. He or she would experience intra-personal conflict. 

c. He or she would not be able to participate in community work.

d. He or she would have to acquire the skills of conflict management.


Answer: B


47.  Which of the following is the most important in conflict prevention?

Select one:

a. Holding regular consultations.

b. Encouraging people to work out their differences.

c. Identifying signals of conflict.

d. Avoiding clashes between people. 

Answer: C


 48.  Why do leakages of examination questions sometimes create conflicts in schools?

Select one:

a. Because it enhances student’s performances.

b. Heads of schools are disgraced.

c. It promotes indiscipline among students.

d. Non-beneficiaries of the leaked questions may revolt. 


Answer: D


 49.  When individuals in a community want to prevent conflicts from happening, there is the need for forgiveness. Which of the following is good about forgiveness?

Select one:

a. It promotes respect for one another.

b. It promotes reconciliation.

c. It ensures fairness.

d. It promotes tolerance. 


Answer: B



50.  Parties to a conflict either participate directly or indirectly in a conflict

Select one:

a. because they believe that the conflict can gradually spread to affect everybody.  b. because they think that conflicts lead to loss of lives and property.

c. in order to safeguard against their interest, positions and needs.

d. because there are primary parties and shadows in every conflict.


Answer: C


51.  To ensure lasting peace through conflict resolution,

Select one:

a. the basic human needs of the parties must be met.

b. insights must be provided into the genetic nature of the problem.

c. those in conflict need opportunity for personal growth.

d. mediators must use collaboration problem solving skills.


Answer: B


52.  Which of the following about the use of assertiveness in conflict management is true?

Select one:

a. It is high on cooperativeness.

b. It is a lose-win situation.

c. It is a lose-lose situation.

d. It is low on cooperativeness.


Answer: D


53.  One effect of Ivorian conflict is that about 800,000 children could not attend school between December and May 2011 due to

Select one:

a. lack of classrooms.

b. outbreak of diseases.

c. insecurity.

d. lack of teachers.


Answer: C


54.  At the peak of the conflict,

Select one:

a. One side wins and the other loses.

b. there is intense fighting.

c. the conflict is hidden from public view.

d. there is decrease in violence.


Answer: B


55.  The main focus of conflict management is to

Select one:

a. prevent conflicts from happening.

b. resolve conflicts between parties.

c. get rid of violence among parties in a conflict.

d. build peace between parties.


Answer: C


56.  It is important for conflict analysts to analyze conflicts in order for them to

Select one:

a. get a systematic understanding of conflicts.

b. obtain the necessary information to transform conflicts.

c. understand conflicts from the beginning to the end.

d. get adequate information about conflicts.


Answer: B



57.  In 1999, how did Ouattara react to his disqualification from the general elections held in Cots d’Ivoire?

Select one:

a. He joined the opposition forces.

b. He declined the offer of a Prime Minister.

c. He sought refuge in the French Embassy

d. He formed his party.


Answer: B



58.  Which conflict management style is justified with the following statement? “If I make other people happy, I am satisfied”.

Select one:

a. Collaborating

b. Competing

c. Accommodation

d. Avoiding

Answer: C

 59. Intra-group conflicts affect the proper functioning of a particular group because

Select one:

a. parties use small arms and light weapons.

b. the members may not focus on the goals of the group.

c. all the members of the group suffer because of the conflict.

d. generally, conflicts are bad and should be avoided.

Answer: B


60. The organization of democratic elections in Africa is usually characterized by conflicts because; Select one:

a. opposition parties in Africa are very vigilant.

b. the parties have a mentality to win elections at all cost.

c. the Electoral Commissions in Africa are usually not unfair.

d. there is insecurity at all polling stations.



61. The main cause of line-staff conflict is Select one:

a. help to identify parties to a conflict.

b. superior-subordinate relationships.

c. the disregard for the goals of other departments.

d. clashes over authority relationships.



63. Why it is that Uganda as a country, cannot be forgotten as far as conflict studies is concerned? Select one:

a. The terrorist group, the Lord’s Resistance Army is resident there.

b. All the known terrorist groups are found there.

c. It is the headquarters of the al-Shabab.

d. Boko Haram’s headquarters can be found there.



64. The presence of the militant group, the al-Shabab can be found in the following two countries. Select one:

a. The Central African Republic and Uganda

b. Algeria and Tunisia

c. Algeria and Nigeria

d. Somalia and Kenya



65. Where an individual is forced to do things against his or her values, this is likely going to cause Select one:

a. person-role conflicts.

b. intra-role conflicts.

c. inter-role conflicts.

d. intra-personal conflicts.



66. The tough and uncompromising stands that parties to a conflict take and assume are called Select one:

a. interest.

b. positons.

c. needs.

d. aggression.



 67. Why does intolerance create conflicts in the family?

Select one:

a. The progress of the family members may be compromised.

b. Some people are falsely accused of wrong doing.

c. Those whose ideas are not listened to may react negatively.

d. Some members are blamed for the sufferings of the family.



68. Parties to a conflict either participate directly or indirectly in the conflict

Select one:

a. because there are primary parties and shadows in every conflict.

b. in order to safeguard against their interest, positions and needs.

c. because they think that conflicts lead to loss of lives and property.

d. because they believe that the conflicts can gradually spread to affect everybody.



69. It is important for conflict analysis to analyse conflicts in order for them to

a. get adequate information about conflicts.

b. obtain the necessary information to transform conflicts.

c. get a systematic understanding of conflict.

d. understand conflicts from the beginning to the end.



70.Why are conflicts considered inevitable?

Select one:

a. Human history is characterized by conflicts.

b. People pursue different goals and clash in the process.

c. People come from difference ethnic and religious background.

d. Some people find it difficult to cope with life.



71. Disagreements between parents may create conflicts because

Select one:

a. everybody thinks that he or she is right.

b. such disagreements may not be handle well.

c. it is a normal practice for parents to disagree on some issues.

d. parents may disagree on several issues.




72. Because there are differences in the way people look at issues,

Select one:

a. mediators must be trained to acquire the skills for resolving conflicts.

b. everybody must study something about conflicts.

c. conflict will inevitably occur in most human social gatherings.

d. conflicts must be handled with care to avoid violence.




 73. When subordinates in various organizations resist the control of their superiors, this can lead to

Select one:

a. role conflicts.

b. vertical conflicts.

c. line-staff conflicts.

d. horizontal conflicts.




 73. Why is it not easy to analyze and manage an intrinsic conflict?

Select one:

a. Intrinsic conflict can be caused by several factors such as one’s failure in business. b. Because it is a kind of conflict which takes place in an individual.

c. The causes of intrinsic conflict cannot easily be diagnosed.

d. Intrinsic conflicts disturbs one’s inner peace and creates an inner disturbance.




74. It is possible for the conflict cycle to be re-enacted if the

 Select one:

a. parties do not trust the mediator.

b. needs of the parties are not address.

c. progression stage is full of mistrust.

d. the desire of one department for more resources at the expense of others.

Answer: B


 75. Traces of conflict can be found at various parts of Ghana even though

Select one:

a. Ghanaians are perceived to be peace loving people.

b. political party leaders want to win elections at all cost.

c. the security services need to be vigilant.

d. Ghanaians are God-fearing.



 76. In Ghana, some landowners and traditional leaders may sell the same plot of land to many people. Such a practice can be described as Select one:

a. discrimination.

b. greed.

c. injustice.

d. unfaithfully.



 77. In all violent conflicts, the stage of the crisis is usually marked by large-scale population displacement. What accounts for this development?

Select one:

a. There is intense fighting between parties.

b. Rapid population growth brings about displacement.

c. Those in the conflict zones try to avoid danger.

d. Parties use small arms and light weapons.





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