Psychology Of Human Development and Learning Past Questions and Answers


This post contains a question bank in the form of true/false, fill in the blanks and MCQ questions on the topic of Psychology Of Human Development and Learning.

Psychology Of Human Development And Learning



1.      In a fertilized egg, the cell divides and expand outward to become an embryo. This is the principle of

           A.  Development being sequential

         B. Development being continuous

         C.    Cephalocaudal principle

         D.     Proximodistal principle


Answer:     D

2.      A relatively lasting / permanent change in behavior as a result of experience is termed…….

A.     Growth

B.     Learning

C.     Maturity

D.     Intelligence

                  Answer:     B


3.      During prenatal period, the spinal cord develops and then the head, chest and trunk grow followed by the arms and legs. This is an example of ……………

A.     Development is continuous

B.     Proximodistal principle

C.     Development is sequential

D.     Cephalocaudal principle


                Answer:     B


4.      According to research, structural abnormalities include deletions, translocation, inversions and duplication. Inversion is the process whereby ………….

A.     A portion of one chromosome is missing

B.     A portion of one chromosome is transferred to another chromosome and turned

C.     A. portion of a chromosome is broken off and turned upside down and reattached.

D.     A portion of the chromosome is duplicated resulting in extra genetic material


                            Answer:     C


5.      Which developmental theory was based on how each stage, a person experiences a crisis which could have a positive or negative outcome for personality development?

A.     Operant conditioning

B.     Psychosocial theory

C.     Cognitive theory

D.     Classical


                 Answer:     B

6.      A newborn will need support with the head, by two months after which the physical control will move downwards to the arms and to the legs. This phenomenon is termed as …………….

A.     Cephalocaudal Principle

B.     Development is Sequential

C.     Proximodistal Principle

D.     Development is Continuous


                       Answer:     A

7.      What characteristics are normally seen in the play patterns of the 4-year-old child?

A.     The 4-year-old puts toys away without supervision

B.     The 4-year-old frequently has imaginary playmates

C.     The 4-year-old enjoys a group of 5 or 6 peers

D.     The 4-year-old engages in solitary and parallel play most of the time


              Answer:     B


8.      Environmental factors that shape development include all the following except……

A.     Quality of nutrition

B.     Intelligence

C.     Culture

D.     Quality of learning


              Answer:     B


9.      Kofi is a teacher in Unipra JHS, he had an in-service training on threats to prenatal development. After the training, Kofi’s perceptions of his students changed. He is likely to do the following except, ………………

A.     Refer students with medical conditions to the school nurse

B.     Design his instruction to suit all the students

C.     Collaborate with parents of students with special needs

D.     Cane students who score low marks in class test


              Answer:     D


10.  Trisomy 21 is caused by an extra copy of the 21st chromosome. It also known as ……...

A.     Turner’s syndrome

B.     Klinefelter syndrome

C.     Down syndrome

D.     Fragile X syndrome


              Answer:     C


11.  Erikson’s stage of psychosocial development in which a child gains independence from caregivers is:

A.     Initiative vs guilt

B.     Autonomy vs shame and doubt

C.     Basic trust vs mistrust

D.     Industry vs inferiority

              Answer:     B


12.  When becoming old and looking back, people tend to evaluate their life and want to know if they lived a successful life. At what stage of Erickson’s psychosocial stages is the above description synonymous to?

A.     Integrity vs despair

B.     Identity vs role confusion

C.     Intimacy vs isolation

D.     Generativity vs stagnation


              Answer:     A


13.  Ama was born in 1985 and after 15 years Ama has increased in height, body parts have been magnified and also the organs and body systems. One could realize that Ama’s height, size and gait has changed. This phenomenon is termed ………...

A.     Changes

B.     Growth

C.     Maturity

D.     Learning


              Answer:     B


14.  As Ekow became older, his brain developed in a way that meant he was able to handle more complex tasks than he could before. This phenomenon meant that Ekow is/has…………

A.     Changed

B.     Grown

C.     Matured

D.     Learned


              Answer:     C

15.  As a child develops, he or she adds to the skills already acquired and the new skills become the basis for further achievement and mastery of skills. This is an instance of

A.     Development being Sequential

B.     Proximodestal Principle

C.     Cephalocaudal Principle

D.     Development being Continuous


              Answer:     D


16.  Growth is Asynchronous. This means…………...

A.     There are individual rates of growth

B.     Growth proceeds from center upwards

C.     Growth is characterized by critical periods

D.     It is influenced by environmental factors


              Answer:     A


17.  A baby boy with klinefelter syndrome is known to have……………

A.     Ocular Albinism (OAI) on the X chromosome

B.     An extra X chromosome in most of its cell

C.     A breakage of the tip of an X chromosome

D.     An extra Y chromosome


              Answer:     B


18.  Kwame and Ama are planning to get married and have children. Kwame is a carrier of the sickle cell disease. Ama has a normal hemoglobin gene combination. What is their percentage chance of having children who do NOT have the sickle trait?

A.     50%

B.     100%

C.     25%

D.     0%


              Answer:     A


19.  Piaget’s theory of cognitive development began with his study of: ……….

A.     Mollusks

B.     Children

C.     sRhesus monkeys

D.     Dogs


              Answer:     B


20.  Piaget reasoned that before the individual can organize and interpret experiences, they must first……………...

A.     Receive appropriate tuition

B.     Create schemas

C.     Intellectualize it

D.     Represent it mentally


              Answer:     D


21.  Pick the odd one out………

A.     Zygote

B.     Fetus

C.     Embryo

D.     Ovum


              Answer:     D


22.  The following influences growth except, …………….

A.     Genetics

B.     Disease

C.     Nutrition

D.     Social status


              Answer:     D


23.  Which of the following is true concerning prenatal exposure to smoke? ………

A.     Significantly increased infant growth

B.     Increased birth weight

C.     Increase risk of sudden infant death syndrome

D.     Increased future behavioral performance


              Answer:     C


24.  Physical characteristics such as weight, height, skin, color and psychological characteristics such as intelligence and personality are synonymous to? …………

A.     Phenotype

B.     Zygote

C.     Genotype

D.     Chromosome


              Answer:     A


25.  The cognitive stage in which abstract thought emerges is: …………...

A.     Concrete operational stage

B.     Preoperational stage

C.     Sensorimotor stage

D.     Formal operational stage


              Answer:     D


26.  Hemophilia A&B is more prevalent in female children …………

A.     True

B.     False


              Answer:     B


27.  All the following are periods of prenatal development except ………….

A.     Embryonic

B.     Germinal

C.     Postpartum

D.     Fetal


              Answer:     C


28.  The cognitive abilities of an adolescent differ from that of a child primarily in that, unlike a child, an adolescent thinking is not necessarily tied to …………….

A.     Fantasy

B.     Concrete events

C.     Abstract ideas

D.     Logic


              Answer:     B    


29.  According to Erickson, which group of people are significant in integrity versus despair? ………….

A.     Household, workmates

B.     Friends, partners

C.     Peers, role models

D.     Mankind, my kind


              Answer:     A


30.  In a Piagetian classroom, children are encouraged to discover themselves through spontaneous interaction with the environment, rather than the presentation of readymade knowledge. ………….

A.     True

B.     False


              Answer:     A


31.  Piaget believed that extensive interaction with …………... is essential for each person’s cognitive development.

A.     Authority figures

B.     One’s own family

C.     Other children

D.     The environment


              Answer:     D


32.  I can be measured, and I am influenced by genetics. I am also characterized by quantity. Who am I?

A.     Growth

B.     Maturity

C.     Learning

D.     Development


              Answer:     A


33.  Kukua is married and found that she has the sickle cell trait and the husband too has sickle cell trait. What is their percentage chance of giving birth to a child who is sickle cell anaemic? ……………

A.     25 percent

B.     75 percent

C.     50 percent

D.     100 percent


              Answer:     A


34.  At the germinal stage the sperm cell and the ovum (egg) combines to form a single cell called ………………

A.     Fetus

B.     Zygote

C.     Embryo

D.     Ectoderm


              Answer:     B


35.  Kukua is married and found that she has the sickle cell trait and the husband is sickle anaemic. What is their percentage chance of giving birth to a child without a sickle cell trait nor sickle cell anaemia? …………..

A.     50 percent

B.     75 percent

C.     0 percent

D.     25 percent


              Answer:     C


36.  According to Erickson, what virtue is exhibited in integrity versus despair? ………

A.     Love

B.     Care

C.     Wisdom

D.     Competence


              Answer:     C


37.  Piaget theory of cognitive development is essentially about ……………...

A.     The influence of the social world on the growing child

B.     The development of the ability to think

C.     Therapeutic procedures to correct cognition

D.     Problems in sensory-motor development


              Answer:     B


38.  The most risky STORCH infection within the first trimester of pregnancy is …


                   Rubella (R) infection

39.  Abena, beginning this week, has begun to engage in goal directed behavior, thus cause and effect relationship. Abena can be said to have developed………….

A.     Primary circular reaction

B.     Secondary circular reaction

C.     Tertiary circular reaction

D.     Coordination of secondary circular reaction


              Answer:      D


40.  A deviation of the 23rd pair of chromosomes leads to …………… syndrome.

        Answer:      turner

41.  The principle of human development which explains that a child’s first step occurs as a result of aggregation experience is……………….

A.     Proximodistal

B.     Cephalocaudal

C.     Epigenetic

D.     Asynchronous


Answer:     C

42.  Adoma knows that quantity of objects remains same if nothing is added despite changes in spatial arrangement. Adoma has acquired the principle of

A.     Object permanence

B.     Class inclusion

C.     Reversibility

D.     Conservation


Answer:     D


43.  Before the nineteenth century, man tried to study himself via all the following


A.     Guesses

B.     Intuitions

C.     Superstitions

D.     Speculations


Answer:     B

44.  Kobby was six inches tall two months ago, however as at yesterday he measured eight inches. Kobby has experienced……………….

A.     Improvement

B.     Maturation

C.     Growth

D.     Development


Answer:     C


45.  Kwame my first son, before the lockdown could only brush his teeth. However, two weeks in the lockdown, Kwame can bath as well. Kwame is said to have……………...

A.     Matured

B.     Developed

C.     Grown

D.     Learned


Answer:     D


46.  In experimental         research, the group that receives the treatment            is called the………

A.     Confounded

B.     Controlled

C.     Experimental

D.     Extraneous


Answer:     C


47.  Akosua sees herself as the most intelligent and pretty girl in the whole Mampong municipality. What concept explains Akosua’s behavior?

A.     Selfishness

B.     Egocentrism

C.     Animillism

D.     Conservation


Answer:     B


48.  If two variables are directly correlated, a change in one variable is accompanied by a ………… change in the other.

A.     Exponential

B.     Positive

C.     Negative

D.     Progressive


Answer:     B


49.  Adwubi initially could not do simple multiplication, however, after receiving tutorial from her sister on the use of the multiplication table, she has overcome her initial difficulty. Adwubi achieved this milestone as result of……………...

A.     Zone of proximal development

B.     Trial and error

C.     Imitation

D.     Scaffolding


Answer:     D


50.  Adwoa was told by a midwife to be aware of continuum of biological and environmental conditions that are used to identify children whose well-being are at risk. This advice Adwoa received highlights…………….

A.     Developmental risk

B.     Teratogens

C.     Embryopathy

D.     Genetic disorders


Answer:     B


51.  My aim is to assist people to understand how human language has evolved over the thousands of year of human existence. My proper name should be………….

A.     Clinical psychology

B.     Language psychology

C.     Existence psychology

D.     Educational psychology

E.      Evolutionary psychology


Answer:     B


52.  Once Kwesi was born there was that expectation that he will have the full complement of all his 32 teeth as the years go by, even though at 2 months his mouth looked hollow. This means that:

A.     Growth is asynchronous

B.     Growth is unpredictable

C.     Growth is sequential

D.     Growth is directional

E.      Growth is predictable


Answer:     E


53.  Which of the following cannot be included in the paternal causes of prenatal abnormalities?

A.     Inducing of maternal stress by father of unborn baby

B.     Poor working environment of father of unborn baby

C.     Strenuous exercising by father of unborn baby

D.     Illicit use of drugs of father of unborn baby

E.      Poor eating habits of the father of unborn child


Answer:     B


54.  When Baby Adwoa is startled by sudden noise, she throws both her two hands and legs up and begins crying. This is an example of a:

A.     Babinski Reflex

B.     Startled Reflex

C.     Uncomfortable Reflex

D.     Moro Reflex

E.      Frightened Reflex


Answer:     D


55.  They were born at the same time. How can one be more intelligent than the other”?

Mrs. Addico grumbled. What process is Mrs. Addico misunderstanding?

A.     Growth

B.     Intelligence

C.     Maturation

D.     Changes

E.      Development


Answer:     E


56.  During Kofi’s first day at school, the parents informed you the teacher to take very good care of him, because he easily gets tired, bleeds profusely when cut, and has pains in the joints when the weather is cold. Kofi must be suffering from………….?

A.     Rubella disease

B.     Ocular Albinism

C.     Sickle cell disease

D.     Childhood jaundice

E.      Down syndrome


Answer:     E


57.  Mummy! Mummy!! Look I have hairs in my armpit and my voice has change, am now a man. Robert told the mother. Which field of psychology explains these changes

A.     Anatomy psychology

B.     Developmental psychology

C.     Abnormal psychology

D.     Social psychology

E.      Child psychology


Answer:     B


58.  Two-year-old David’s ability to move and manipulate objects is an example of……...?

A.     Reflexive reactions

B.     Muscle coordination

C.     Developmental milestone

D.     Eye coordination

E.      Motor skills.


Answer:     E


59.  I normally work with judges to ensure that the truth prevails and that no innocent person is convicted to prison and no guilty person is acquitted because of an error in the evidence. who am I?

A.     Prison psychology

B.     Forensic psychology

C.     Neuropsychology

D.     Criminal psychology

E.      Incarceration psychology


Answer:     B


60.  The socioemotional processes associated with human development has all the following components except:

A.     Changes in the individual’s personality

B.     Changes in the individual’s emotion

C.     Changes in the individual’s language

D.     Changes in the individual’s relationship with others

E.      Changes in the individual’s mental perceptions


Answer:     C


61.  All reflexes in humans cease after infancy.

A.     True

B.     False


Answer:     B


62.  Both Agnes and Michael are six years old and in class 1. During Physical Education period, teacher Kuuku scolded Michael for not being able to pick up a small sack though Agnes could do so. What principle of growth and development is the teacher ignoring?

A.     Growth and development is continuous for individuals

B.     Growth and development is gradual for individuals

C.     Growth and development is epigenetic for individuals

D.     Growth and development is different for individuals

E.      Growth and development sequential for individuals


Answer:     D


63.  Having been born to very big parents Baby Jacob was bigger than all his contemporaries at 2 years. Baby Jacob’s situation is an example of the fact that………….?

A.     Development proceeds from general to specific

B.     Growth is genetic

C.     Growth is both quantitative and qualitative

D.     Development is predictable

E.      Growth and development is continuous


Answer:     B


64.  In teaching, it is advised that teachers teach by starting from simple concepts to enable the students grasp the information before moving to more complex task. This is an example of …………………...

A.     Cephalocaudal principle

B.     Orthogenetic principle

C.     Continuous principle

D.     Proximodistal principle

E.      Sequential principle


Answer:     B


65.  Clinical Psychology and counselling Psychology can be said to bedfellows.

A.     False

B.     True


Answer:     A


66.  At three years Thomas could not pick up 10kg bag of rice. However, when he turned 12 yrs. he picked it effortlessly. This relates to ………… than anything.

A.     Growth

B.     Maturation

C.     Strength

D.     Acculturation

E.      Development


Answer:     A


67.  I regret coming to school, am not just happy because my grades are very bad. Which field of psychology will help this student to deal with her problem?

A.     Environmental psychology

B.     Developmental psychology

C.     Counselling psychology

D.     Cognitive psychology

E.      Social psychology


Answer:     C


68.  The subject matter of this branch covers psychological ways and means of improving all aspects of teaching or learning process, including the learner, learning process, learning material, learning environment and the teacher.

A.     Legal psychology

B.     Learning psychology

C.     Clinical psychology

D.     Educational psychology

E.      Industrial psychology


Answer:     D


69.  Maturation is a subset of development

A.     True

B.     False


Answer:     A

70.  Development is more perceptible than growth.

A.     False

B.     True


Answer:     B

71.  Prenatal abnormalities in babies are mainly caused by genetic factors that are outside the control of the pregnant mother.

A.     True

B.     False


Answer:     B 

72.  At the pre-conventional level of Kohlberg’s stages of moral development, the individual makes decisions based on consequences of their behavior.

A.     True

B.     False


Answer:     A

73.  Which of the following best describes infant reflexes in humans?

               A. Matured responses to stimuli before knowing what the stimuli is

B.     Innate behavioral responses to stimuli before knowing what the stimuli is

C.     Adaptive responses to stimuli before knowing what the stimuli is

D.     Frightened responses to stimuli before knowing what the stimuli is

E.      Maturational responses to stimuli before knowing what the stimuli is


Answer:     B

74.  At the initiative versus guilt stage of Erikson, the individual normally feel rejected when he is not affirmed for trying something new.

A.     False

B.     True


Answer:     B

75.  Kofi Nimoh, a Nursery 1 4-year-old pupil, is not able to draw a circle very well. What principle of growth explains this situation? 

              A. Growth is a continuous process.

B. Growth involves general movement to more specific movement

C. Growth proceeds from the center of the body outwards

D.Growth is asymmetrical

E. Growth is influenced by environmental factors


Answer:     D

76.  “After 30 years of working I don’t find any joy in working. At 60 years, I have nothing to prove. I want to focus on my children now”. What stage would Erikson consider this to be?

A.     Identity vs Role confusion

B.     Trust vs Mistrust

C.     Integrity vs Despair

D.     Generativity vs Stagnation

E.      Industry vs Inferiority


Answer:     D


77.  “I deal with how humans are able to learn, communicate, perceive people and their environment, how to remember what they learn and solve problems”. Who am I?

A.     Para psychology

B.     Clinical psychology

C.     Cognitive psychology

D.     Environment psychology

E.      Personality psychology


Answer:     C

78.  When growing Mensah was able to lift his hand first before being able to hold a spoon in his hand. This is an example of…………...

A.     Growth and development is direction

B.     Growth and development is sequential

C.     Proximodistal development

D.     Growth and development is gradual

E.      Cephalocaudal development


Answer:     D    


79.  “I can’t disappoint my friends! They expect me to come to the party, Mummy. I don’t want them to feel I am abandoning them. I will do the chores when I come back. The party is important to me”, Jessica told her mum and rushed out. Jessica’s morality is at:

A.     Universal Ethics Orientation

B.     Obedience or Punishment

C.     Self Interest Orientation Stage

D.     Social Conformity Orientation

E.      Law and Order Orientation


Answer:     D


80.  Kwame knows the acceptable pattern of behavior but because of his hostile attitude, he willingly violates group expectations. Kwame is said to be having a/an………... act.

A.     Unsocial

B.     Para social

C.     Anti-social

D.     Uni-social

E.      Prosocial


Answer:     D


  (Quiz 1 (2023) - three sets of question)


1. Which of the following best describes physical development in childhood and adolescence?

a) It only involves changes in body size.

b) It encompasses changes in body size, proportions, appearance, and functioning of body systems.

c) It primarily focuses on changes in intellectual abilities.

d) It primarily focuses on changes in communication.


ANSWER:    B  

2. Which of the following is NOT a keyword associated with psychology?

a) Science

b) Behaviour

c) Mental processes

(d)Spiritual powers



3. Which of the following options contains only the mesodermal structures?

(a)Heart, blood, bones, notochord

b) Heart, blood, muscles, liver

c) Notochord, blood, liver, muscles

d) Liver, heart, bones, blood


ANSWER:    A  

4. Which of the following is NOT a teratogen?

a) nicotine

b) testosterone

c) radiation

d) alcohol


ANSWER:    B  

5. Mary complains when her tall thin glass of juice is poured into a short but wider glass. She tells her father that she now has less juice. Mary has not yet grasped the principle of:

a) assimilation

b) integration

c) attenuation

d) conservation


ANSWER:    D  

6. Which field of psychology involves selecting job applicants and evaluating on-the-job training?

a) Pure psychology

b) Industrial/organizational psychology

c) Clinical psychology

d) Applied psychology


ANSWER:    B  

7. Which of the following is an example of cognitive development in childhood and adolescence?

a) Changes in body proportions

b) Changes in problem-solving abilities

c) Changes in emotional communication

d) Changes in physical health


ANSWER:    B  

8. Which of the following domains is primarily associated with changes in intellectual abilities in childhood and adolescence?

a) Physical domain.

b) Cognitive domain

c) Socioemotional domain

d) Moral reasoning domain


ANSWER:    B  

9. Vygotsky's theory suggests that cognitive development is strongly influenced by:

a) Inherited traits and genetic factors

b) Individual cognitive abilities and intelligence

c) Formal education and academic instruction

d) Social interactions and collaborative learning


ANSWER:    D  

10. According to Piaget, the preoperational stage of cognitive development is characterized by:

a) Conservation skills and logical thinking

b) Abstract reasoning and hypothetical thinking

c) Symbolic representation and pretend play

d) Concrete operational thinking and problem-solving


ANSWER:    C  

11. The is ____________ the first stage of prenatal development (from conception to implantation), characterized by rapid cell division.

a) critical period

b) germinal period

c) fetal period

d) embryonic period


ANSWER:    B  

12. Sarah, a newborn baby, has gained control over her head and can now support it without any assistance. According to the principles of and development, which principle is demonstrated in Sarah's milestone?  ………………………………


ANSWER:    Cephalocaudal  

13. Vygotsky's sociocultural theory emphasizes the importance ……………… in children's cognitive development.

ANSWER:    Social interaction and Cultural Context

 14. Alex. a 1-year-old baby, has just taken his first steps independently. This developmental milestone follows which principle of growth and is development?... …………………………….


ANSWER:    Development is Sequential


15. Piaget believed that children construct their understanding of the world through processes of ……………….....


ANSWER:    Adaptation

16. Emily, a 12-year-old girl, is going through emotional changes and is gaining a better understanding of herself and others. This aspect of her development is associated with which domain of development?.


ANSWER:   Socioemotional domain

17. Piaget proposed that cognitive development Occurs through a process of …………………. in which new experiences are incorporated into existing cognitive structures.


ANSWER:    Assimilation

18. Jessica, a 7-year-old child, is acquiring more complex vocabulary and demonstrating improved language skills. This development aligns with which principle................................


ANSWER:    Orthogenetic principle

19. Vygotsky's theory suggests that children's cognitive development is influenced by the ………………………………. Which refer to the skills and knowledge that a child can demonstrate with assistance.


ANSWER:    ZPD- zone of proximal development

20. Mark, a 10-year-old boy, is learning about fractions in school. He understands the concept of dividing a whole into equal parts and can solve simple fraction problems. According to Piaget, which stage of cognitive development is Mark most likely in? "………………………………….


ANSWER:    Concrete Operation


Quiz  (Paper) Two 2


1. When psychologists try to find out how people transform physically, intellectually, emotionally, and socially they focus on

A. Learning

B. Transition

C. Maturation

D. Growth and development process


ANSWER:    D  

2. The qualitative increase in the body of organism is termed as

A. Adulthood

B. Childhood

C. Growth

D) Development


ANSWER:    D  

3. Which of the Piaget's stages of cognitive development is associated with early grade school children?

A Sensorimotor stage

B Pre-operational stage

C. Concrete operational stage

D. Formal operational stage



4. The principle of egocentrism among children is reflective at the

A. Sensorimotor stage

B. Pre-operational stage

C. Concrete operational stage

D. Formal operational stage


ANSWER:    B   

5. A three-year-old child may run to a corner, turn his back to you, not realising that he is still in plain view. Based on Piaget's view, this is an important feature of the

A. Sensorimotor stage

B. Pre-operational stage

C. Concrete operational stage

D. Formal operational stage


ANSWER:    B  

6. The first two weeks of pre-natal development, characterised by rapid cell division, increased complexity. and differentiation in the uterine wall is called?

A. Embryo stage

B. Foctal stage

C. Germinal stage

D. Gestation stage



7. 'Out of sight is out of mind' is a good summary of the assertion that a child who has not mastered

A. Conservation

B. Animism

C. Symbolic thought

D.) Object permanence


ANSWER:    D  

8. The type of development from the central part of the body toward the outer direction is called?

A. Cephalocaudal

B. Cell maturation

C. Maturation

D. Proximodistal


ANSWER:    D  

9. During the pre-natal stage, which structure supplies maternal antibodies that provide the unborn child immunity against several infectious diseases?

A. Placenta

B. Yolk sac

C. Amniotic fluid

D. Amniotic sac



10. What name is given to conception in which the egg of a woman is removed from her ovaries, fertilised outside her body, and replaced in her womb to help her have a child?


A. Surrogate mothering

B. In-vitro fertilisation

C. Artificial insemination

D. Inter-cytoplasmic conception


ANSWER:    B  

11. Araba is a pupil in Nipahiamoah primary school. Her teacher asked her to add 8 and 7. In an attempt to find an answer to the problem, Araba counted her fingers and toes. At what stage of cognitive development is Araba?

A. Sensorimotor stage

B. Pre-operational stage

C. Concrete operational stage

D. Formal operational stage


ANSWER:    C  

12. Dwenewoho at birth had a large head, thin hands, and legs. Later in his life, the hands and legs became bigger while the remained as it was. Which principle of growth and development explains the changes in Dwenewoho?  …………………….


ANSWER:    Asynchronous 

13. Abosomakotere is in class six (6). He is able to solve problems in the class 6 mathematics textbook. Which principle of growth and development explains Abosomakotere's performance?.................


ANSWER:    Maturation

14. Each change in human development is a result of prior growth and experience' is an explanation of which principle of growth and development? ………………………….


ANSWER:    Epigenetic

15. What marks the beginning of the germinal stage? ………………………………


ANSWER:    Fertilization

16. What marks the beginning of the embryonic stage? ……………………………………


ANSWER:    Implantation

17. What marks the end of the embryonic stage?


ANSWER:    Appearance of true bone cell

18. Michael, a 10-year-old boy, experiences a growth spurt and begins to develop secondary sexual characteristics. This variation in development rate aligns with which principle of growth and development……………………………….


ANSWER:    The rate of growth varies from person to person .

19. Psychology comes from the Greek words "Psyche" meaning ……………...  and "logos" or  "logia" meaning ……………………

ANSWER:    mind     ,     something

20. Growth in psychology primarily focuses on ……………….  And ………………… changes that can be quantified and  influenced by genetics.


ANSWER:    Biological , environmental




1. Pseudo-psychology refers to psychological practices that

a) Are based on scientific research and evidence

b) Seek to explain behavior through common sense

c) Are offered as explanations of behavior without research and evidence

d) Have spiritual powers and foretell the future



2. Which field of psychology is concerned with helping people with mental health disorders?

a) Pure psychology

b) Industrial/organizational psychology

c) Clinical psychology

d) Applied psychology


ANSWER:    C  

3. The principal hormone in females is...

a) Testosterone

b) Oestrogen

c) Androgen

d) dihydrotestosterone


ANSWER:    B  

4. Spermarche marks the onset of puberty in

a) Males

b) Females

c) both males and females

d) neither males nor females


ANSWER:    A  

5. Which of the following is true about physical and cognitive development in childhood and adolescence?

a) They occur independently of each other.

b) They have no impact on each other.

c) They are completely determined by genetics.

d) They interact and influence each other.


ANSWER:    D  

6. Which domain of development focuses on emotional communication and moral reasoning in childhood and adolescence?

 a) Physical domain

b) Cognitive domain

c) Socioemotional domain

d) Language development domain


ANSWER:    C  


7. The trajectory of development beginning at conception is:

a) zygote, fetus, embryo

b) embryo, zygote. fetus

c) zygote, embryo, fetus

d) embryo, fetus, zygote


ANSWER:    C  

8. You are watching a newborn when it is startled by a loud noise. The baby extends its arms and legs. then quickly brings them in as if trying to grasp something. This illustrates the:

a) grasp reflex

b) tonic reflex

c) moro reflex

d) stepping reflex


ANSWER:    C  

9. The are substances that can harm the fetus.

a) testosterones

b) teratogens

c) telomeres

d) testifiers


ANSWER:    B  

10. Vygotsky's concept of the "zone of proximal development" refers to:

a) The stage when children develop formal operational thinking

b) The range of tasks that a child can perform independently

c) The difference between a child's actual development level and their potential development level with guidance

d) The time period during which children develop their motor skills


ANSWER:    C  

11. Piaget believed that cognitive development progresses through a process of:

a) Assimilation and accommodation

b) Observational learning and modeling

c) Classical conditioning and stimulus-response associations

d) Trial-and-error learning and problem


ANSWER:    A  

12. Sarah is observing her younger brother's behavior and taking notes about his actions and interactions with others. Which aspect of developmental psychology is Sarah engaged in?

ANSWER:    Description  


13. Jessica is studying the development of motor skills in infants from birth to one year. She is observing and documenting changes in their physical abilities during this period. Which aspect of developmental psychology is Jessica focusing on?.........……


ANSWER:    Growth  

14. Vygotsky theory suggest that children acquire cognitive skill through …………………….. in which they work together with more competent individuals to solve problems.


ANSWER:    Collaboration learn

15. Dr. Mahama is conducting a longitudinal study to investigate the intellectual development of individuals from childhood to adulthood. She wants to understand how their thinking abilities change over time. Which aspect of developmental psychology is Dr. Mahama studying? ………………………


ANSWER:    Maturation  

16. Sarah, a 4-year-old child, is playing with blocks. She tries to stack them on top of each other but struggles to keep the tower balanced, According to Piaget's theory, which stage of cognitive development is Sara most likely....................


ANSWER:    preoperational  

17. James, a 3-year-old child, is learning to stack...................... blocks from largest to smallest. This example aligns with which principle of growth and development?..


ANSWER:    orthogenetic  

18. Emma, a 6-year-old girl, is pretending to be a doctor and is giving a check-up to her stuffed animals. She talks to them, listens to their "heartbeats," and writes down notes. This imaginative play demonstrates the development of according to Vygotsky?............................


ANSWER:    symbolic Representation thought 

 19. Alex, a 12-year-old boy, is struggling with solving algebraic equations. However, when his older brother explains the steps and provides examples, Alex starts to understand the process. This situation demonstrates the concept of.............. in


ANSWER:    ZPD   - zone of proximal development

20. Julliet, a 7-year-old girl, is learning to read in school. Her teacher provides her with guidance and support as she learns new words and practices reading aloud. This interaction between Lily and her teacher reflects the concept of…………..... in Vygotsky's theory.


ANSWER:    scaffolding



1. All the following are examples of chromosomal disorders EXCEPT

A. Fragile X syndrome

B.  Lurner's syndrome

C. Klinefelter syndrome

D. Super male and super female syndrome




2. Erikson characterizes development as a series of

A. Psychosocial stages.

B. Psychosexual stages

C. Sociological stages

D. Psychomoral stages



3. Ama's tendency to think about other people and their own experiences as if everything revolves around them.

A. Egocentrism

B. Id

C. Ideation

D. Appearance




4. Which of the following activities is an example of fine motor skills development in middle childhood?

A. Throwing a ball

B. Jumping hurdles

C. Tying shoelaces

D. Riding a bicycle


5. When a child exhibits a receptive lag in language development, they may have difficulty:

A. Understanding and following instructions

B. Pronouncing words correctly

C. Using appropriate grammar and syntax

D. Engaging in conversations



6. The main sickling genotypes include all the following EXCEPT







7. What do people face during each psychosocial stage that can serve as a turning point in development?

A. Love

B Turmoil

C. Conflict

D. Trust



8. Development in Psychology is a term that is used to describe the...

A. emotional development of the child

B. physical development of the child

C. mental development of the child

D. all the options



9. Kwame complains when her tall thin glass of juice is poured into a short but wider glass. He tells her father that she now has less juice. Kwame has not yet grasped the principle of.......

A. accommodation

B. assimilation

C. conservation

D. integration



10. In Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development, early cognitive development involves processes based upon actions and later progresses into changes in mental operations. Which of these is one of key concepts of Piaget's theory

A. Sensorimotor

B. Schema

C. Formal Operational

D. Cognition



11. In which stage of language development do infants primarily communicate through crying, cooing, and babbling?

A. Prelinguistic stage

B. Holophrase stage

C. Telegraphic stage

D. Fast-mapping stage



12. The orderly and progressive changes that do occur according to time as organisms move from conception to death is termed as.....


ANSWER:      Development

 13. Akosua, a 3-year-old, has difficulty expressing her thoughts in complete sentences. She often speaks in short phrases. Which type of language development lag does Akosua exhibit?............


ANSWER:     Expressive lag

14. Erikson indicates that during adolescence many people strive to know who they are, a term he referred to as............


ANSWER:     Identity and Expression

15. Two closed. pyramid-shaped beakers containing clearly identical amounts of a liquid are suddenly judged by a child to hold different amounts after one of the beakers is inverted. The child apparently lacks……………………


ANSWER:      Conservation

16. At 18 months old. Lamisi is using single words like "ball" and "mama" to communicate his needs. Which stage of language development is Lamisi in?


ANSWER:     Holophrastic Stage

17. Vygotsky's theory suggests that children's cognitive development is influenced by the………………  which refers to the skills and knowledge that a child can demonstrate with assistance.


ANSWER:      Zone Of Proximal Development

General Like Examinable Questions

1. The first negative emotion clearly exhibited during infancy is

(A) fear

(B) shame

(C) guilt

(D) distress

(E) jealousy


            ANSWER:     D

2. According to behavioral psychologists, which of the following treatments would most likely extinguish disruptive behavior in preschool children?

(A) Threatening to isolate them immediately after such behavior

(B) Ignoring them so that they do not receive the reinforcement they are seeking

(C) Punishing them immediately so they understand what they did wrong

(D) Discouraging them but not punishing them

(E) Reasoning with them and explaining that their behavior is wrong



3. The length of time that it takes to toilet train a child depends mostly on which of the following?

(A) Presence or absence of older siblings

(B) Severity of the training practices the caregivers use

(C) Verbal ability of the caregivers

(D) The child's feeding regimen in infancy

(E) Age at which the child begins toilet training



4. A defining characteristic of children with autism is

(A) obsessive attachment to their mothers

(B) lack of motor coordination

(C) unresponsiveness to others

(D) hyperactivity

(E) physical abnormality



5. Anxiety over performance can positively motivate school achievement in children as long as the degree of anxiety is

(A) very high

(B) high

(C) moderate

(D) low

(E) very low



6. According to Jean Piaget, cognitive development begins with which of the following?

(A) Preoperations

(B) Concrete operations

(C) Intuitive thought

(D) Sensorimotor activities

(E) Formal operations



7. Social class differences in vocabulary development result from social class differences in the amount of

(A) maternal anxiety

(B verbal stimulation

(C) paternal illness

(D) sibling rivalry

(E) marital discord



8. Studies in which the same people are tested at different ages are called

(A) longitudinal

(B) cross-sectional

(C) normative

(D) naturalistic

(E) experimental



9. Which of the following is most central to the concept of sensitive period?

(A) Growth spurts must occur at specific ages.

(B) Children who do not develop at the same time as their peers experience distress.

(C) A given function emerges automatically during a particular time period regardless of leaning experiences.

(D) Particular experiences are especially influential at a certain time in development.

(E) Children go through a negativistic stage as a part of their cognitive development.



10. Jimmy saw his favorite candy for sale in the store. He had no money, so he planned to steal it. However, he changed his mind and decided not to do it, because stealing is wrong. According to Sigmund Freud's theory, which part of Jimmy's personality prevented him from stealing?

(A) Id

(B) Ego

(C) Superego

(D) Anima

(E) Collective unconscious



11. If reinforcement is to be most effective in the learning of a new behavior, the reinforcement should be

(A) provided as sparingly as possible

(B) administered on an intermittent schedule

(C) used primarily with high achievers

(D) delayed until the end of the learning

(E) period provided soon after the desired behavior occurs



12. In Harry Harlow's experiments, infant monkeys raised with only wire or cloth "mothers" were LEAST fearful in strange situations in the presence of

(A) the "mother" who had provided food

(B) the "mother" who had provided contact comfort

(C) the "mother" who had provided primary drive reduction

(D) other young monkeys

(E) their biological mothers



13. A sudden, loud noise made in the vicinity of a newborn infant is likely to elicit which of the following reflexes?

(A) Babinski

(B) Moro

(C) Rooting

(D) Palmar grasp

(E) Stepping



14. On which of the following types of problems would you expect a four year old child and a seven year old child to perform most similarly?

(A) Conservation of number

(B) Classification

(C) Transformation

(D) Object permanence

(E) Superordinate concepts



15. Red-green color blindness is best described as

(A) a sex-linked recessive trait

(B) a sex-linked dominant trait

(C) an autosomal recessive trait

(D) an autosomal dominant trait

(E) a trait resulting from chromosomal breakage



16. Over summer vacation. Gwen sees a boy she knows from school, but she is having difficulty remembering his name. Which of her memory processes is failing in this situation?

(A) Storage

(B) Retrieval

(C) Encoding

(D) Short-term memory

(E) Sensory memory



17. Which of the following theorists did NOT develop a stage theory?

(A) Sigmund Freud

(B) Jean Piaget

(C) B. F. Skinner

(D) Lawrence Kohlberg

(E) Erik Erikson



18. Which of the following is true of menopause in men?

(A) Menopause is purely a physical phenomenon.

(B) Menopause may result from a lack of exercise.

(C) Menopause may result from work related stress.

(D) Menopause is differentially damaging to the male psyche. depending on age.

(E) Menopause is physically impossible because males do not menstruate.



19. According to psychoanalytic theory, which of the following mechanisms (and the attitude accompanying it) would be most important for healthy resolution of a little boy's Oedipus complex?

(A) Identification with the father ("I am like Daddy.")

(B) Object-choice of the father ("I love Daddy best.")

(C) Identification with the mother ("I am like Mommy.")

(D) Object-choice of the mother ("I love Mommy best.")

(E) Projection onto the mother ("Mommy loves me best.")



20. In accounting for the rapid expansion of a child's early vocabulary, Susan Carey argued that a major role must be played by the child's own active cognitive processing. Adults simply cannot teach a child exactly what referent every word picks out. Carey coined which one of the following terms to denote this concept?

(A) Fast mapping

(B) Lexical conventionality

(C) Lexical contrast

(D) Linguistic empiricism

(E) Metacognition



21. Heather is currently taking courses in several different academic departments and doing volunteer work to help identify and develop her interests. She also spends a lot of time thinking about her values and goals but has not chosen a career path. Heather's identity status is referred to as

(A) fixation

(B) identity achievement

(C) identity diffusion

(D) identity foreclosure

(E) identity moratorium



22. According to Lev Vygotsky, the range between what a child can do alone and what a child can do with assistance is referred to as

(A) higher mental functions

(B) scaffolding

(C) inner speech

(D) egocentric speech

(E) the zone of proximal development



23. A researcher is evaluating the effects of three different types of parent-education programs on adolescent mothers' interactions with their toddlers. What is the independent variable in this investigation?

(A) Adolescent mothers' interactions with their toddlers

(B) Level of parent-child communication

(C) Type of parent education program

(D) Child's attachment to the mother

(E) Child's socioeconomic status



24. Kimiko is interested in children's relationships with same-sex and opposite-sex peers. She observes children's behavior in their normal, everyday environment (for example, at school). She records each time a child speaks to or plays with another child and whether that other child is the same or opposite sex. She uses a stopwatch to record how long the children play with their peers. This research method is

(A) a clinical interview

(B) a structured interview

(C) a naturalistic observation

(D) a structured observation

(E) an ethnography



25. The developing organism is most vulnerable to the effects of teratogens during the period of the

(A) ovum

(B) zygote

(C) embryo

(D) fetus

(E) neonate



26. With regard to sexual maturity, females generally mature

(A) two years earlier than males do

(B) four years earlier than males do

(C) two years later than males do

(D) four years later than males do

(E) at approximately the same age as males



27. Carolyn tripped on the carpet and fell. When she got up, she looked at her mother, who was laughing, and she laughed, too. This is an example of

(A) empathy

(B) sympathy

(C) social referencing

(D) display rules

(E) semantics



28. Proximodistal development is exemplified by which of the following?

(A) Control of gross arm movements prior to fine motor control of the fingers

(B) Control of the lower extremities prior to control of the head

(C) Refinement of perceptual abilities prior to walking

(D) Acquisition of differential skills prior to acquisition of complex skills

(E) Maturation of neural pathways in the cerebrum prior to maturation of the neural pathways in the midbrain



29. A researcher was interested in determining the heritability of a specific trait. He measured the trait in a group of same sex dizygotic (DZ) twins and a group of monozygotic (MZ) twins. Half of the pairs of twins in each group were reared together, and half were reared apart. The figure above shows the correlations between the measures of the trait for the DZ and MZ twins by rearing condition. Which of the following statements most accurately describes the impact of genes and environment on the trait?

(A) Both genes and the environment influence the trait.

(B) Genetic but not environmental factors affect the trait.

(C) Environmental but not genetic factors affect the trait.

(D) Prenatal influences have stronger effects on development of the trait than do either genes or the environment.

(E) The environment influences the trait among the DZ but not the MZ twins.



30. Newborn infants were given either smooth or knobby pacifiers to suck. They were later allowed to look at both types of pacifiers. They looked longer at the type of pacifier they had previously sucked. This finding indicates that newborn infants have

(A) categorical perception

(B) intermodal perception

(C) shape constancy

(D) depth perception

(E) object permanence



31. Which of the following senses is the LEAST well developed at birth?

(A) Vision

(B) Hearing

(C) Smell

(D) Touch

(E) Taste



32. Order the types of play below from the least cognitively mature to the most cognitively mature.

I. Cooperative play

II. Pretend play

III. Functional play

(A) I, II, III

(B) II. I. III

(C) II. III. I

(D) III. I. II

(E) III. II. I



33. A child explains thunder as "the clouds yelling at each other." This is an example of

(A) conservation

(B) reversibility

(C) animistic reasoning

(D) egoistic thinking

(E) logical inference



34. The stage of formal operations is characterized by

(A) the application of logical thought to concrete objects and situations

(B) intuitive and animistic thought

(C) abstract thought and hypothetical problem solving

(D) the development of transductive reasoning

(E) the ability to conserve



35. Katie, a preschooler, sees a llama at the zoo for the first time and calls it a sheep. This is an

example of

(A) Asemantic overextension

(B) chaining

(C) fast mapping

(D) divergent thinking

(E) an expressive style



36. In ecological systems theory, the exosystem includes

(A) values and beliefs of the culture in which a child is developing, such as the acceptance of violence

(B) settings in which a child spends time, such as classrooms and neighborhood play groups

(C) social settings that indirectly influence a child, such as parents' workplaces

(D) connections among the different settings in which a child develops, such as the home and the school

(E) transitions that occur over time, such as a major change in the family's economic situation



37. A theory of language development that proposes an innate language acquisition device would be classified as which of the following?

(A) Nativist

(B) Interactionist

(C) Empiricist

(D) Contextual

(E) Functionalist



38. A child who has an IQ of 55 to 70 and delayed social development is classified as having a

(A) mild intellectual disability

(B) moderate intellectual disability

(C) severe intellectual disability

(D) profound intellectual disability

(E) learning disability



39. Savitri, whose natural parents are of average intelligence, was born with the potential for an IQ roughly between 105 and 135. She grew up in an enriched environment and as an adult has an IQ of 130. Savitri's intelligence is consistent with

(A) the reaction range theory of intelligence

(B) the triarchic theory of intelligence

(C) the theory of multiple intelligences

(D) the Flynn effect

(E) a cohort effect



40. A toddler with a secure attachment to a primary caregiver would be expected to

(A) avoid the caregiver when they were reunited after a brief separation

(B) stay in the caregiver's lap rather than explore a new environment

(C) cry when the caregiver left the toddler with a babysitter

(D) have a close bond with only one parent or which a child develops, such as the home and the school

primary caregiver

(E) respond equally well to the caregiver and to a strange adult



41. A boy who believes that he will become a girl if he wears his sister's clothes has not achieved the concept of

(A) androgyny

(B) gender stability

(C) gender labeling

(D) gender constancy

(E) gender schema



42. The process by which fluid from the uterus is taken early in pregnancy to determine whether the developing fetus has a genetic anomaly is called

(A) amniocentesis

(B) chorionic villus sampling

(C) positron-emission tomography

(D) insemination

(E) ultrasound



43. Although Elizabeth's seven-year-old son wants to stay up past his bedtime to watch a television special, she insists that he go to bed at the usual time. She explains that he will be too tired to do well in school if he does not get his rest, and she promises to record the show for him. Diana Baumrind would classify Elizabeth's parenting style as which of the following?

(A) Secure

(B) Uninvolved

(C) Authoritarian

(D) Authoritative

(E) Permissive



44. Research on children without siblings reveals that they

(A) have lower levels of self-esteem

(B) demonstrate lower levels of prosocial behavior

(C) do better in school

(D) are less popular with peers

(E) are less emotionally secure



45. The three behavioral styles identified by Alexander Thomas and Stella Chess in their early research on infant temperament are

(A) sanguine, melancholic, choleric

(B) easy, difficult, slow to warm up

(C) secure, avoidant, ambivalent

(D) emotional, sociable, inhibited

(E) introverted, extroverted, agreeable



46. Time out is a disciplinary technique that is based on the principles of

(A) operant conditioning

(B) classical conditioning

(C) observational leaning

(D) information processing

(E) habituation



47. A mother nags her son until he cleans his room. A few weeks later, the son spontaneously cleans his room because he does not want to be nagged. The mother's nagging is an example of

(A) positive reinforcement

(B) negative reinforcement

(C) vicarious reinforcement

(D) vicarious punishment

(E) punishment



48. Information-processing theorists argue that one of the major changes that takes place from two to five years of age is

(A) an increase in the ability to form abstract thoughts and use logical reasoning

(B) an increase in the complexity and power of working memory

(C) a decrease in the complexity of schemata associated with everyday experiences

(D) a decrease in fluid intelligence

(E) a decrease in the storage capacity of long-term memory



49. According to research, all of the following statements comparing Head Start participants with their nonparticipating peers are true EXCEPT that Head Start participants are

(A) less likely to become pregnant as teenagers Blikely to score higher on IQ tests as adolescents

(C) less likely to be placed in special education classes

(D) less likely to be retained in a grade

(E) more likely to graduate from high school



50. Keisha politely asks her teacher to please puss her the scissors but at home demands that her little brother give them to her immediately. Keisha is demonstrating her understanding of which aspect of knowledge?

(A) Phonology

(B) Semantics

(C) Syntax

(D) Pragmatics

(E) Overregularization



51. Which of the following is the symptom most closely associated with Alzheimer's disease?

(A) Manic or depressive behavior

(B) Sensory impairment

(C) Loss of ability to walk

(D) Loss of memory

(E) Loss of reflexes



52. One of the major criticisms of the stages of dying identified by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross is that

(A) there are too many stages in her theory

(B) there are not enough stages in her theory

(C) not everyone goes through the stages in the order she describes

(D) she does not adequately suggest how people try to cope with each stage

(E) the stages vary by sex



53. Instruction by teachers who employ Piagetian principles is most likely to be characterized by which of the following?

(A) Use of lecture as the dominant form of instruction

(B) Reliance on drill and repetition

(C) Encouragement of active experimentation

(D) Encouragement of private speech

(E) Discouragement of group activities



54. Which of the following theorists advanced the concept of the identity crisis?

(A) Jean Piaget

(B) Sigmund Freud

(C) Lev Vygotsky

(D) B. F. Skinner

(E) Erik Erikson



55. When Frank was a child, he moved to a new house near a major airport. At first, he was unable to sleep because of the loud noise created by the airplanes. Over time, however. he was no longer disturbed by the plane noise. A behaviorist would most likely describe the change in Frank's behavior as which of the following?

(A) Habituation

(B) Superstition

(C) Shaping

(D) Operant conditioning

(E) Response generalization



56. Which of the following grammatical morphemes would a child be likely to acquire last?

(A) Article ("a cookie")

(B) Plural ("two cookies")

(C) Present progressive ("I am walking")

(D) Simple past ("Joey walked")

(E) Contraction ("that's Joey")



57. According to Robert Sternberg's triangular theory, which of the following are the three components of adult love?

(A) Friendship..compassion..commitment

(B) Commitment.. intimacy..compassion

(C) Intimacy.. commitment.. passion

(D) Compassion.. friendship..passion

(E) Compassion.. infatuation.. intimacy



58. The term Jandwich generation refers to

(A) the current middle-adulthood generation that feels squeezed between children and aging parents, both of whom that generation must care for

(B) young adults who return to live with their parents after college or after having lived away from home for some other reason

(C) the current generation of children who are fed mostly sandwiches because their parents are working and cannot prepare meals for them

(D) the current middle-adulthood generation that survives mostly on sandwiches and fast food eaten on the run because life is too busy for sit-down meals at home

(E) a political term from the 1950s used by pacifists who felt that the federal government should generate food for poor children rather than produce nuclear weapons



59. What is the most commonly diagnosed mental disorder among individuals in very late adulthood?

(A) Schizophrenia

(B) Dementia

(C) Generalized anxiety disorder

(D) Hypochondriasis

(E) Mood disorder



60. A researcher compares church attendance between people born in the 1940s and people born in the 1960s. The groups of people are called

(A) Acohorts

(B) alliances

(C) support systems

(D) reference groups

(6) cliques



61. Eighteen-month-old Michael sees his mother about to put his juice away, and he yells out, More juice! Michael's expression is an example of

(A) a holophrase

(B) receptive language

(C) private speech

(D) motherese

(E) Telegraphic speech



62. According to psychologists, which type of aggression do adolescent girls use more frequently than do adolescent boys?

(A) Instrumental

(B) Relational

(C) Physical

(D) Emotional self-regulated

(E) Instinctive



63. According to Lawrence Kohlberg, parents can best foster their children's moral development by

(A) setting high expectations for moral behavior

(B) promptly and consistently punishing their children's misbehavior

(C) providing models of moral behavior

(D) directly teaching their children what to do when they face specific moral dilemmas

(E) exposing their children to more advanced moral reasoning by discussion of both sides of moral dilemmas



64. When there is an extremely weak relationship between two behavioral variables, the correlation coefficient will be

(A) much lower than zero

(B) By close to zero

(C) close to +1

(D) close to -1

(E) much higher than +1



65. Two young boys sitting next to each other, each drawing a separate picture with his own set of

crayons, are engaging in which type of play?

(A) Cooperative

(B) Independent

(C) Parallel

(D) Onlooker

(E) Associative



66. An intelligence test requires individuals to create synonyms for words from a prepared list. If change in performance on this test throughout the life span were studied longitudinally, the most likely result would be scores that

(A) steadily increase

(B) steadily decline

(C) peak in middle adulthood, then decline rapidly

(D) peak in early childhood and late adulthood, with a decline in between

(E) remain steady



67. What two developmental milestones occur around the age of one year?

(A) Walking and speaking first words

(B) Crawling and gesturing to communicate

(C) Running and climbing on furniture

(D) Throwing and catching a ball with two hands

(E) Smiling and pulling to a stand



68. In the United States, marital satisfaction is at its lowest at which stage of life?

(A) Immediately following the wedding

(B) Before children are born

(C) When children are very young

(D) When children leave home

(E) Retirement



69. An infant who is fed a balanced diet yet is not gaining enough weight would most likely be diagnosed with

(A) non-organic failure-to-thrive

(B) marasmus

(C) kwashiorkor

(D) autism

(E) Klinefelter syndrome



70. Drazen, a child with attention-deficit/hyper- activity disorder (ADHD) and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), is likely to be rated by his peers as being in which of the following peer status categories?

(A) Average

(B) Rejected aggressive

(C) Rejected withdrawn

(D) Neglected

(E) Popular



71. Which type of mental ability is generally assumed to increase over the life span of an individual?

(A) Fluid intelligence

B Crystallized intelligence

(C) Abstract thinking

(D) Deductive reasoning

(E) Inductive reasoning



72. According to research on the Big Five model of personality, which personality trait tends to increase for both men and women over their lifespans?

(A) Aggressiveness

(B) Conscientiousness

(C) Extraversion

(D) Neuroticism

(E) Openness





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