This post contains a question bank in the form of true/false, fill in the blanks and MCQ questions on the topic of Emerging Technologies.



1. Emerging technologies are all the following except

a. Technologies that have already been developed

b. Technologies that are expected to emerge in the next five to ten years

c. Technologies whose development practical applications, or both are still largely unrealized

d. Technologies that are currently developing

                   ANSWER:       A

2. A subset of Artificial Intelligence (AI) where computers are programmed to learn to do things is called 

a. Machine self-learning

b. Natural language processing

c. Deep computing

d. Machine learning

ANSWER:       D

3. The next generation of mobile connectivity is

a. 4G

b. 3G

c. 5G

d. 2G

ANSWER:       C


4. Open Educational Resources can be reused or adapted for non-educational purposes

a. True

b. False

ANSWER:       B


5. Mobile learning offers all the following except

a. Multi device learning support on various mobile devices

b. Flexibility to learners with a wide range of mobile apps and tools

c. Personalized learning as learners get ongoing notifications on their courses

d. Less cost because of the use of mobile devices

ANSWER:       D


6. Online learning that occurs only in real time is known as

a. Synchronous online learning

b. Real time learning

c. Blended learning

d. Asynchronous online learning

ANSWER:       A


7. All the following are reasons YouTube is ideal for learning except

a. Hundreds of channels for learning and any subject you can think

b. Most learners can avoid reading text

c. Most videos are short (usually under 50 minutes)

d. Engaging videos that work for learners who learn best with videos

ANSWER:       B


8. MOOC is the acronym for

a. Massive Open Online Courseware

b. Massive Online Open Course

c. Massive Open Online Course

d. Massive Online Open Courseware

ANSWER:       C


9. Online learning is ideal for all the following reasons except

a. You want to learn for free

b. You prefer studying at your own pace

c. Your schedule makes it difficult for you to attend classes

d. You live far from the campus

ANSWER:       A


10. The following are examples of MOOCs except

a. Udacity

b. Khan Academy

c. Futurelearn

d. Curriki

ANSWER:       D


11. Which of the following is not a wiki software?

a. Tikiwiki

b. Mediawiki

c. Catawiki

d. Dokuwiki

ANSWER:       C


12. Which of the following best describes the Station Rotation Blended Learning?

a. Course introduction is done at home assignments and practicals are done at school

b. Students are allowed to rotate through stations on a fixed schedule in a dedicated computer lab

c. Students focus is on completing online coursework while only meeting with the teacher intermittently 

d. Students are allowed to rotate through stations on a fixed schedule, where at least one of the stations is online

ANSWER:       D


13. In ……………. blended learning students use a combination of online and face-to-face learning to guide their own personalized inquiry and achieve formal learning goals

a. Individuals rotation

b. Remote

c. Self-directed

d. Flex

ANSWER:       C


14. Social media does not include blogging

a. True

b. False

ANSWER:       B


15. With this type of blended learning, students complete either entirely online work to supplement their day-to-day face-to-face learning or entirely face-to-face learning experiences to supplement online learning activities.

a. Supplementary blended learning

b. Inside-out blended learning

c. Supplemental blended learning

d. Outside-in blended learning

ANSWER:       C


16. All the following are examples of wikis except

a. Wikispace

b. OpentStreetMap

c. Wikibooks

d. WikiArts

ANSWER:       A


17. In a flipped classroom, students review lecture materials as homework and do exercises/discussions after more lecture’s session in class.

a. True

b. False

ANSWER:       B


18. All the following are characteristics of web 4.0 except

a. Internet of Things

b. Social Media

c. Artificial Intelligence

d. 3D Graphics

ANSWER:       B


19. A type of blended learning where students focus on completing online coursework and meet the teacher intermittently or when needed is

a. Individual rotation blended learning

b. Self-directed blended learning

c. Flex blended learning

d. Remote blended learning

ANSWER:       D


20. All the following are facts about social media except

a. User generated profiles

b. Web 3.0 based

c. User generated content

d. It is interactive

ANSWER:       B


21. Web 3.0 is known as

a. The third web

b. The static web

c. The interactive web

d. The semantic web

ANSWER:       D


22. Average download speed of 5G network is expected to be

a. 15Gbps

b. 5Gbps

c. 10Gbps

d. 20Gbps

ANSWER:       C


23. All the following are types of services provided by cloud computing except

a. Infrastructure as a service

b. Platform as a service

c. Security as a service

d. Software as a service

ANSWER:       C


24. The important hardware in IoT might be its

a. Sensors

b. 5G network

c. Smart devices

d. None of the above

ANSWER:       A


25. …………….is used to refer virtual assistants specifically those accessed by online chat or online chat programs.

a. Chatbot

b. Robot

c. None of the above

d. Virtual bot

ANSWER:       A


26. Iris recognition is an example of

a. Artificial Intelligence

b. Nanotechnology

c. Biometrics

d. Wearable technology

ANSWER:       C


27. Implantable, smart watches and smart jewellery are examples of

a. Smart clothing

b. Smart devices

c. Wearable technologies

d. None of the above

ANSWER:       C


28. Virtual Reality is a type of

a. Wearable technology

b. Disruptive technology

c. Immersive technology

d. Game technology

ANSWER:       C


29. What type of web technology allows its community members to continuously change the contents on a website?

a. Wiki

b. Blog

c. Podcast

d. Social Media

ANSWER:       A


30. An audio program posted to the internet so that users can download is called

a. Vodcast

b. Live stream

c. Podcast

d. Audio cast

ANSWER:       C

31. Samsung's Bixby is an example of a Virtual AI Assistant.

a. False

b. True

ANSWER:       B

32. The Metaverse is best described as

a. All of the above

b. An interconnection of 3D virtual worlds

c. A type of Extended Reality

d. An emerging technology

ANSWER:       A

33. 3D printing is also known as

a. Prototype manufacturing

b. Addictive manufacturing

c. Reverse manufacturing

d. Additive manufacturing

ANSWER:       D

34. 5G will have a potential speed of

a. 1 Gbps

b. 20 Gbps

c. 5 Gbps

d. 25 Gbps

ANSWER:       B

35. A type of blended learning where student focus on completing online coursework and meet the teacher intermittently or when needed is …………………………………….

a. Individual rotation blended learning

b. Self-directed blended learning

c. Flex blended learning

d. Remote blended learning


36. Tor is an acronym for ___________________

a. The open Router

b. The onion router

c. The onion route

d. None of the above


37. One of the largest and well known networks on the dark web is the ____________

a. TorLinks

b. Hidden wiki

c. Tor Search

d. Tor Network


38. The technology that will make cloud computing and IOT devices faster is __________

a. 5G

b. Edge Computing

c. Quantum Computing

d. Nanotechnology


39. Mimicking human intelligence for performing complex tasks such as pattern recongnition, speech recognition, weather forecast and medical diagnosis is a characteristic of ______________

a. Machine Learning

b. Artificial intelligence

c. Reactive Machines

d. Artificial Machines



40. Lab rotation and Station rotation are types of _____________

a. Flipped classroom learning

b. Blended learning

c. Virtual learning

d. Mixed learning

ANSWER:      B

41. The emerging technology to replace cloud computing is ……………………………

a. Deep Computing

b. Quantum Computing

c. Fog Computing

d. Edge Computing

ANSWER :     D

42. One of the first Virtual Reality technologies was the ___________________

a. Oculus Quest

b. Valve Index

c. Sensorama

d. Playstation VR


43. The key difference between eLearning and distance learning is the ___________

a. location

b. mode of delivery

c. distance

d. use of internet

ANSWER :      A

44. ____________ are teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use or repurposing by tohers.

a. Open Learn

b. Open Free Resources

c. Public Educational Resources

d. Open Educational Resources


45. The part of the web that anyone can access easily with a browser or search engine is the _______

a. Deep web

b. Dark web

c. Surface web

d. Dark net


46. The interactive and social web facilitating collaboration between people is ________________

a.  Web 2.0

b. Web 4.0

c. Web 3.0

d. Web 1.0


47. Mixed Reality is not a type of immersive technology

a. True

b. False


48. Webpages that require a login, web content that are not indexed, and intranets are part of the ______

a. Deep web

b. Surface web

c.  Dark web

d. Hidden web

ANSWER :      A

49. Open Educational Resources can be reused or adapted for non-educational purposes

a. True

b.  False


50. The Internet of Things is also sometimes referred to as the Internet of Everything.

a. True

b. False


51. Average download speed of 5G networks is expected to be ____________

a. 20Gbps

b. 5Gbps

c. 15Gbps

d. 10Gbps


52. The wiki software which is also known as a ‘wiki farm’ is _________________

a. Mediawiki

b. Wikidot

c. Tikiwiki

d. Tiddlywiki


53. Google Glass is an example of __________

a. Virtual reality

b. Glass technology

c. Augmented reality

d. Wearable technology


54. The technology that helps to make sense of complicated data is _________________

a. Data mining

b. Data science

c. Big data

d. Data analytics


55. An area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans is called _______________

a. Machine learning

b. Internet of Things

c. Intelligence gathering

d. Artificial Intelligence




1. The part of the web that anyone can access easily with a browser or search engine is the ________


Surface web


2. Webpages that require a login, web content that are not indexed, and intranets are part of the ____


Deep Web


3. One of the largest and well known networks on the dark web is the _______


Tor Network


4. Tor is an acronym for ______________________________


The Onion router


5. The key difference between eLearning and distance learning is the _________




6. Mimicking human intelligence for performing complex tasks such as pattern recognition, speech recognition, weather forecast and medical diagnosis is a characteristic of ___________________


Artificial Intelligence.


7. The technology that helps to make sense of complicated data is __________


Data science

8. The technology that will make cloud computing and IoT devices faster is ________


Edge Computing


9. The wiki software which is also known as a ‘wiki farm; is ______________




10. _________________ are teaching, learning and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use or  repurposing by others.


Open Educational Resource.





1. a) Distinguish between social media and social networking,


Social media is the collective term of online communication channels dedicated to community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration.

Social Networking is the use of dedicated websites and applications to interact with other users, or to find people with similar interests to one's own.



b) By stating three (3) examples of social media blogs, also explain why blogs are considered part of social media.


i) Facebook, ii) Youtube, iii) instagram.


Blogs are considered part of social media because of their user accounts, comment sections, and blog networks.


Other Examples are;
















      Qzone (Chinese)

      Sina Weibo (Chinese)




2.   a) Identify two (2) similarities between blended learning and flipped classroom…


i) They all uses the digital or online interactions.          

ii)  They all involves face-to-face interaction with students.



The different between the Blended learning and Flipped classroom.

Blended learning and flipped classrooms are two distinct approaches to teaching. The blended learning is more traditional, while the flipped class is more digital. While a blended learning model uses both, a flipped classroom still involves face-to-face interaction with students.


b) A MOOC is said to be a Massive Open Online Course. What does this mean?


Massive: This means there are variety of courses and learning options.

Open: This means it is mostly and access to everyone, teachers and students alike.

Online: This means its mode of delivery is done over a mobile network or it adopt the online learning mode of delivery.

Course: This means it teats specific subjects and provide references for those subjects.


Other Explanation;

Massive: because of unlimited enrollments for over thousands of learners

Open: anyone can enroll and there is no admission process

Online: mode of delivery is online/ on the internet

Course: teaching of specific subjects / courses


2. By explaining the difference between Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), also state two (2) example each of VR and AR.


Virtual Reality (VR): Is a simulated experience that can be similar or different from the real world.

Examples include: Playstation VR, Oculus Quest, Valve Index, HTC Vive, HP Reverb G2, Google Daydream View, Samsung Gear, etc.


Augmented Reality (AR): Is an interactive experience of a real-world environment where the objects that reside in the real world are enhanced by computer generated perceptual information.

Examples include: Snapchat lenses, Pokeman Go, Microsoft  Hololens,  Google Glass, Magic Leap 1


3. a) Distinguish between Synchronous, Asynchronous and Hybrid online learning.


Synchronous online learning is an online learning where you virtually attend class every week at the same time as the instructor and your classmates.

Asynchronous online learning refers to an online course where you learn at your own schedule within a certain time-frame.

Hybrid online learning is an online course that blends the traditional way of learning.


Other explanation

Asynchronous Online Learning: Courses are not offered in real time. Students are given a time frame to complete course work and exams.

Synchronous Online LearningThis type of online learning requires simultaneous teacher-learner interaction.

Hybrid online Learning: also known as blended learning, are learning environments that allow for both face-to-face and online interaction.



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