Guidance and Counselling in Education Past questions and Answers


 This post contains a question bank in the form of true/false, fill in the blanks and MCQ questions on the topic of Intro. to Guidance and Counselling in Education.



1.     The first guidance publication was → Vocational guidance

2.     Young lady, get out of my office. See how shabby you have dressed and you want to see me for counselling. Which principle has the counsellor violated? → Non-judgmental,

3.     In the history of guidance, this particular year was considered by many as the decade of innovation. → 1960s,

4.     The term “vocational guidance” was coined by... → Frank Parson,

5.     In the early Greek society, guidance was identified to develop and strengthen the individual through … →  Education

6.     In the year under consideration, American Personnel Guidance Association was formed to contribute to the development of the guidance movement. →1951,

7.     In 1908, this man organised the vocational bureau at Boston to provide assistance to young people. → Frank Parson,

8.     In what year was guidance and counselling programmes established in Ghanaian second cycle institution? → 1976,

9.     This individual was of the view that the growing individual can best learn when he is free to develop according to his natural impulses. → Jean Jacques,

10.Before formal guidance was introduced into Africa, practitioners functioned basically as … → Advisers


Quiz 2



1.  Which of the following is a major reason for counseling people?

a)   To offer advice to people

b)   To help check people to take decisions for themselves

c)   To help check waywardness among people.

d)   To help the individuals appreciate the need to live well with others


Answer: B


2. Which of these persons is likely to need counseling most?

a)   Jacinta who is seeking a scholarship to further her studies

b)   Pearl who wants to know the requirement for education to a teacher training college

c)   Josephine who is an isolate and who finds it difficult to concentrate in class.

d)   Matilda who is undecided on which university course to select.


Answer: C


3. Which of the following services in guidance is also referred to as the adaptive service?

a)   Appraisal

b)   Information

c)   Orientation 

d)   Placement 


Answer: C


4. Which of these is an important principle in counseling?

a)   Confidentiality

b)   Facilitation

c)   Reality

d)   Self-understanding


Answer: A


5. Which of the following Guidance services uses career conference as a major means of providing the service in the school?

a)    Appraisal services

b)   Counseling service

c)    Information service

d)   Orientation services    


Answer: C


6. Which of the following terms is used to denote the end of a counseling session?

     a) Adjournment

b)   Closure

c)   Finalization

d)   Termination      


Answer: D


7. All the following factors enhance communication in counseling except the

a)   Form of the communication used

b)   Nature of the counselor

c)   Skills of the client

d)   Termination   


Answer: D


8. Which of the following is a core skill in counseling?

a)   Advising skills

b)   Conveying warmth skills

c)   Emphatic understanding skills

d)   Listening skills


 Answer: D


9. Which of the following is not a purpose for counseling as proposed by Byrne (1965)?

a)   Intermediate goals

b)   Immediate goals 

c)   Intimate goals

d)   Ultimate goals   


Answer: C


10. Which of the following about counseling is true?

a)   It involves giving advice to people

b)   It involves the individual to change 

c)   It is directed to the personal needs of the individual

d)   It is more concerned with providing information to individuals 


Answer: C


11. Which of the following concepts is closely associated with counseling?

     a) Empathy

b)   Discordant relations

c)   Disorientation

d)   Self-actualization 


Answer: A


12. Which of the following is not organized type of counseling?

a)   Course counseling

b)   Immediate counseling 

c)   Therapeutic counseling

d)   Vocational counseling


Answer: D


13. Which of the following approaches to counseling is also known as the rationale approach?

a)   Behavioral therapy approach

b)   Directive approach

c)   Eclectic approach

d)   Psycho analytical approach 


Answer: B


14. Which of the following counseling approaches involves a selection of different features from various theoretical approaches?

a)    Directive approach

b)   Eclectic approach 

c)    Humanistic approach

d)   Psycho-analytical approach  


Answer: B


15. The counseling strategy whereby the counselor gets the individual to settle and develop trust in him/her is known as….

a)    Creating orientation

b)   Establishing genuineness.

c)    Establishing rapport

d)   Exploration     


Answer: C


16. The two types of communication involved in counseling are 

a)   Contact and distant

b)   Gestures and orientation

c)   Personal and non-personal

d)   Verbal and non-verbal            


Answer: D


17. A counselor should not talk too much in a counseling relationship because 

a)   It will check the flow of message from the counselee 

b)   It will confuse the individual in distress

c)   It will extend the counseling time

d)   There is the need for the counselor to be trusted  


Answer: A


18. Which of the following services must be made effective if the pupils is to be made to know himself\herself well by the guidance program?

a)    Appraisal services

b)   Consultation services 

c)    Information services

d)   Placement services  


Answer: A


19. Which of the following behaviors will be exhibited by a client who is not being listened to by his Counselor?

a)    The client may feel like disclosing all his problems

b)   The client may coil into his\her shell.

c)    The client may dominate the discussion

d)   The client will assume active posture


Answer: B


20. Which of the following personality characteristics of the counselor will enhance communication?


b)   Bossy

c)   Indifferent

d)   Talkative  


Answer: A


21. Effective listening in counseling involves all the following process except…

a)   Recalling a message

b)   Receiving a message

c)   Processing a message

d)   Sending a message       


Answer: A


22. This is the ability of the counselor to capture and understand the message transmitted by clients either verbal or non-verbal, a vague or clear. Which skill is being described here?

a)    Acceptance skills

b)   Emphatic understanding skills

c)    Genuineness skills

d)   Listening skills    


Answer: D


23. At which of the following processes does the counselor overtly responds to the client’s message?

     a) Processing message

b)   Receiving message

c)   Sending a message

d)   Taking a message


Answer: C


24. Which of the following is not a listening response in counseling?

a)   Evaluating feeling

b)   Paraphrasing content

c)   Reflecting feeling

d)   Summarizing    


Answer: A


25. Which of the following words does not describe the skill of genuineness as a communication skill in counseling?

a)    Authenticity

b)   Confidentiality 

c)    Congruence 

d)   Honesty        


Answer: B


26. Which of the following is not a non-verbal communication behavior?

a)   Exclamation

b)   Bodily contact

c)   Facial expression

d)   Posture    


Answer: A


27. Which of the following is not considered as pre-requisite for an ideal counseling environment?

     a) High degree of privacy

b)   Quality of the clients dress

c)   Seating arrangements

d)   Warm reception for the client     


Answer: B


28. Which of the following persons is associated with counseling?

a)   B.F. Skinner

b)   Carl Rogers

c)   L.R. Gray

d)   John Weschler 


Answer: B


29. Which of the following guidance services can be carried out individually or in groups?            a) Appraisal services

b)   Counseling services

c)   Consultation service

d)   Placement service                          


Answer B


30. Which of the following phrases is commonly used to describe guidance?

a)   A systematic and continuous process

b)   A plan of action

c)   A process of exposing people

d)   A program of adjustment                


Answer A


31. Which of the following skills when exhibited by the counselor will promote continuous interaction between the client and the counselor?

a)    Counseling skills 

b)   Learning skills 

c)    Questioning skills

d)   Placement skills  


Answer C


32. Which of the guidance services entails the keeping of records of pupils?

a)   Appraisal services

b)   Follow-up services

c)   Orientation services

d)   Information services  


Answer A


33. Irene is a guidance officer in JHS who visits a number of SHS once a year to find out the performance of pupils who left her school. What services is she fulfilling by this activity?

      a) Appraisal services

b)   Follow-up services

c)   Orientation

d)   Information            


Answer B


34. Which of these is an important quality the counselor must have?

     a) Desire

b)   Fairness

c)   Firmness

d)   Warmth                             


Answer D


35. Which of the following listening responses is associated with the phrase “Do you mean that……?

a)    Clarification

b)   Explanation

c)    Paraphrasing content 

d)   Summarizing                         


  Answer A


36. All the following are known proponents of the directive approach to counseling except...

     a) Donaldo Peterson

b)   Edmund Williamson

c)   John Darley

d)   Richard Lazarus                         


Answer D


Match the approaches to counseling numbered 37-40 with their basic assumptions lettered a-e. Fill the space in the middle with the letter of the correct response.


37. Directive




a) Human beings personalities consist of positive and negative habits both of which are learnt 


38. Humanistic approach 



b) Man is intrinsically good and trustworthy

39. Behavioral approach


c) Man seeks to use self understanding as a means of developing potentials

40. Psychoanalytical approach


d) In counseling there is the need to select, reconcile, and choose appropriate methods from various sources



e) The counseling process meant

to help the client become conscious of the unconscious impulses of the id, ego and super ego


41.   Which of the following statements is best for a distinction between guidance and counseling? 

a)    Guidance is continuous but counseling is done ones

b)   Guidance does not require a purpose but counseling addresses a need

c)    Guidance deals with persons and objects but counseling deals with persons only

d)   Guidance can be done by anyone but counseling cannot be done by any one


Answer D


42.   Two people who relate in counseling situation are identified as


a)   Interviewer and interviewee

b)   Client and counselor

c)   Pater and counselor

d)   Customer and counselor                        


 Answer B


43. Which of the following statements about counseling is true?

a)   It involves giving advice to people 

b)   It involves influencing the individual to change.

c)   It is directed to the personal needs of the individuals

d)   It is more concerned with providing information to individuals    


Answer C


44. Which of the following concepts is closely associated with counseling?

a)   Self actualization

b)   Disorientation

c)   Discordant relation

d)   Empathy                                      


Answer D


45. Which of the following is major reason for counseling people?

a)   To offer advice to people

b)   To enable people to take decisions for themselves

c)   To help check waywardness among people

d)   To help individuals appreciate the needs to live well with others


Answer B


46. Which of the following skills is most needed for effective counseling?

a)   Communication 

b)   Data gathering

c)   Notes taking 

d)   Organizing                 


   Answer A


47. Which of these persons is likely to need counseling most?

a)   Boakye, a banker who wants to take a personal business loan.

b)   Tiwaa, a trader whose business has not been insured

c)   Tina, an adolescent who is experiencing puberty early 

d)   James, who is undecided on which university course to select   


Answer C


48. Which of these is an important principle in counseling?

a)   Self understanding

b)   Facilitation 

c)   Confidentiality

d)   Reality                     


 Answer C


49. Which of these is an important quality the counselor must have?

      a) Firmness

b)   Fairness

c)   Warmth

d)   Decisive                    


 Answer C


50. Which of the following statements best defines educational guidance?

a)   A process of providing the individual with sufficient information to choose subjects to study

b)   A process of helping individuals towards a better understanding of themselves and their potentials.

c)   A process of recording the characteristics of pupils for counseling purposes.

d)   A process of giving orientation and direction to the


Answer B


51. Which of the following problems can be solved by educational guidance?

a)   Too many people seeking boarding school

b)   Unemployment in the face of manpower shortages in some sectors

c)   Parental neglect of their children

d)   Poor relations between school and their community       


Answer B


52. Which of the following is a principle of educational guidance?

a)   It permeate all subjects

b)   It should be well monitored

c)   It must be self-sustaining

d)   It is for all pupils in the school.


Answer D


53. Which of the following characteristics is most suitable for the school guidance activity?

a)   It should be infused into all school activities

b)   It should spell out the roles of all involved in it.

c)   It should be planned and structured

d)   It should focus on ensuring discipline among pupils


Answer C


54. Which of the following concepts can be associated with counseling?

a)   Psychotherapy

b)   Chemotherapy 

c)   Psychosomatic

d)   Orientation               


 Answer A


55. Which of the following is an objective of school guidance?

a)   To ensure that students select the right subject

b)   To anticipate and prevent crisis from arising in the lives of pupils.

c)   To evaluate and monitor the progress of pupils

d)   To offer counseling to wayward pupils     


  Answer B


56. Which guidance service entails providing orientation for new pupils?

a)     The orientation service 

b)     The follow up service

c)     The information service

d)     The appraisal service       


 Answer A


57. Which guidance service entails the keeping of records of pupils?

a)     The orientation service 

b)     The follow up service

c)     The information service

d)     The appraisal service      


   Answer D         


58. Sarah is a guidance officer in JHS who visits a number of SHS once a year to find out the performance of pupils who left her school. What services is she fulfilling by this activity?

    a) The orientation service 

b)     The follow up service

c)     The information service

d)     The appraisal service    


Answer B


59. Much the guidance service in A to the means of achieving them in the school given in B. Fill the match in the spaces provided at the side. 


                  A                                       B                                               


a)    Appraisal                             i) Home visit                       a)     IV

b)   Consultation                       ii) Interviews                        b)      I

c)    Information                       iii) Carrier conferences          c)     III

d)   Placement                         iv) Testing                              d)    VI

e)    Counseling                       v)  Guidance                            e)     II                 

vi) Liaison with schools and jobs


60. which of the following is a strategy used in counseling?

a)   Consistency

b)  The aligning

c)   Diagnosing

d)  Small talk    


 Answer D


61. During which step in the counseling process does the counselor help the individual to understand the nature of his or her problem?


     a) Closure

b)   Exploration

c)    Analysis

d)   Facilitation                         


Answer C


62.      Which of the following is not a recognized type of counseling?

a)   Course counseling

b)   Immediate counseling

c)   Vocational counseling

d)   Therapeutic counseling                  


Answer C


63.      Which of the following approaches to counseling is also known as the Rational Approach?

a)    The psychoanalytic

b)   Directive approach

c)    Behavioral therapy approach

d)   Eclectic approach                         


Answer B


64.      Which of the following approaches to counseling believes in dealing with the individual from his internal frame of reference?

a)    Directive approach

b)   Eclectic approach   

c)    Psychoanalytic

d)   Humanistic              


Answer D


65.      The counseling strategy whereby the counselor protects the individual to settle and develop trust in him\her is known as……………..

a)    Establishing genuineness

b)   Creating orientation

c)    Exploration 

d)   Establishing rapport         


Answer D


66.      Which of the following factors is necessary if the guidance program is to be effective in the School?

a)    It must be integrated into the total school program

b)   It must target at risk students to access them

c)    It must involve tutors who have the fear of God

d)   It must be comprehensive              


Answer A


67.      Which of the following services must be made effective if the pupil is to be made to know himself well by guidance program?

a)    Information service

b)   Placement service

c)    Appraisal service

d)   Consultation service                   


Answer C


68.      Which of the following guidance service can be carried out individually or in a group?

a)   The consultation service 

b)   The counseling service

c)   Placement service

d)   Appraisal service                           


Answer B


69. For what reason may the guidance programs of two different schools vary?

a)   The location of the schools vary

b)   The skills of the coordinators vary

c)   The needs of the pupils may vary 

d)   The objective sets may vary                   


Answer C


70. Which of the following phrases is commonly used to describe Guidance?

a)   ‘A plan of action’

b)   ‘A process of exposing pupils’

c)   ‘A systematic and continuous process’

d)   ‘A program of adjustment’                     


Answer C


71.   What is meant by the statement “guidance is development”?

a)    It is only meant for people of the lower developmental stages of life

b)   It helps people adjust to the problems of one stage before proceeding

c)    It helps people to develop skills. 

d)   It is a long process.                     


Answer B


72.   Which of the following reasons best explains why guidance and counseling is not prominent in Ghanaian schools?

a)    Many people believe its benefit is assumed rather than real.

b)   There are no trained persons to handle it.

c)    It is expensive to operate

d)   It will steal pupils time away from studies 


Answer A


73.   What service in guidance do we sometimes call ‘pupils inventory’?

a)   Consultation service

b)   Information service

c)   Referral service

d)   Appraisal service             


Answer D


74. Appraisal service is when we collect, an analyze and use a variety of objectives data for the purpose of better understanding of the students or clients. The proponent of this statement is 

a)    Denga(1986)

b)   Makinde (1983)

c)    Anagbogu (1971)

d)   Kohlberg (1961)                 


Answer B


75.     In how many categories are appraisal methods grouped?

      a) 1

b)   2

c)   3

d)   4           


Answer   B 


76Appraisal methods are usually grouped into two. Mention them?

a)   Evaluation and measurement

b)   Variable and Variable

c)   Validity and evaluation

d)   Test and non-test.          


Answer D


77.           One example of non – test method are:

(a)       Autobiographies

(b)       Bibliographies

(c)       Research methods

(d)       Case study                             


Answer A


78.           In which of the following environment do the two methods of appraisal namely test and non-test methods operate well?

(a)       In the primary school

(b)       In the Junior high school

(c)       In the senior high school

(d)       In the tertiary institutions              


Answer A


79.    Observation, Interviews, Autobiographies are examples of which of the following?

(a)       Test methods in Appraisal service

(b)       Non-test methods in Appraisal service

(c)       Anecdotal services in guidance

(d)       Evaluation methods in guidance


Answer B


80.      Teacher made test and some standardized tests which we can use in primary schools are examples of the methods we use in appraisal service. Which method is that?

a) Evaluation method

b) Remedial method

c) Test method

d) Non-test method   


  Answer  C


81.      The life story of an individual written by him or herself is referred to as what?

  (a) Anecdotal record

(b)       Biography

(c)       Autobiography

(d)       Non-test method                   


Answer C


82.     Autobiography reveals not only facts about the individual but his or her what?

(a)       Attitudes, emotions and motivations

(b)       Aptitudes, character and sociability

(c)       Likings, age and strengths

(d)       Physical, intellectual and social standing 


Answer A


83.    How many types of Autobiographies do we have?

     (a)       4

    (b)       3

    (c)       2

(d)  1                                                           


Answer C


84.    What terms do we give to the types of Autobiographies?

(a)       Structured and unstructured types

(b)       Analyzed and unanalyzed types

(c)       Written and unwritten types

(d)       Measured and non-measured types          


Answer A


85.   The type of Autobiography which the pupil is free to write about events that are important to him is referred to as what?

(a)       The unstructured biography

(b)       The unstructured autobiography

(c)       The structured biography

(d)       The structured autobiography                


Answer B


86.           The type of autobiography that has lines in the form of the main topics and sub-topics derived from the main topic that helps the pupil to write about him/ herself is referred to as what?

(a)       The unstructured autobiography

(b)       The structured autobiography

(c)       The historical autobiography

(d)       The recorded autobiography                  


Answer B


87.   The method of obtaining information about or from an individual usually through oral interaction with the individual is referred to as …………..

(a)       Oral information 

(b)       Interview

(c)       Response

(d)       Stimulus                           


Answer B


88.     One of the authors of guidance and counseling explains interview as an oral process. Which of the following authors said that?

(a)       Doughan (1983)

(b)       Erick Erickson (1960)

(c)       Akinboye (1969)

(d)       Essuman (1986)                


Answer D


89.   Teacher-made test are called what?

(a)       Achievement test

(b)       Class test

(c)       Examinations

(d)       End of term examination       


Answer A


90.    Teacher-made test are not standardized test because they do not have measures of the following

    (a) Reliability and Validity

(b)       Measurement tool

(c)       Evaluation list

(d)       Unrealistic and validity            


Answer A


91.    A group of test which psychologists and counselors use in their work is called what?

(a)       Physiological test

(b)       Metamorphical test

(c)       Psychological test

(d)       Psycho-social test                     


Answer C


92.   A standardized test or inventory which we can use to find out the level of interest (like and dislike) a pupil has for a number of occupations as ……

(a)       Psychological test

(b)       Teacher-made test

(c)       A study habit inventory

(d)       Vocational interest inventory 


Answer C


93.  The type of standardized psychological test which we can use to appraise the talent or potential endowment of pupils is referred to as ………

a)    Vocational interest inventory

b)   Special aptitude test

c)    Study habit test

d)   Standardized psychological test        


Answer B


94.     What does a cumulative contain?

     (a) Appraisal character of pupils

      b) Appraisal data of pupils 

      c) Appraisal achievement of pupils

      d) Appraisal contribution of pupils          

Answer B


95.    A type of record which accumulates data on pupils throughout the period they are in school is referred to as………………

a)    Log book records

b)   Records book for pupils 

c)    Cumulative records 

d)   Inventory records                  


Answer C


96.   What is the term given to facts about things happening (events) or pupil?

(a)       Historical facts

(b)       Information 

(c)       News bulletin 

(d)       Broadcast services    


Answer B


97.           In guidance there is a specific service which provides information to pupils or situations. What term is given to this service?

(a)       The information service

(b)       Counseling service

(c)       Appraisal service 

(d)       Orientation service                


 Answer A


98.           What type of guidance service gathers facts on career, education, personnel and social issues to be used by pupils or students in planning their lives or making decisions?

(a)       Consultative service

(b)       Career service

(c)       Information service

(d)       Counseling service                


Answer C


99.  The information service is found in three major areas in guidance. Mention them?

(a)       Occupational, educational and personal social issues

(b)       International, internal and external issues

(c)       Broadcasting newspapers and magazines

(d)       Broadcasting, television and videos    


Answer A


100.      Who defined occupational information as “consisting of reliable and accurate facts about jobs which clients use in career planning, making wise decisions and choice”?

(a)       Bolade (1992) 

(b)       Otaguindi (1961)

(c)       Ekwe (1991)

(d)       Obasungu (1972)          


Answer C


101.      The type of information that comprises all valid and up-to-date reliable facts about jobs or occupation which can be used in career planning is termed as …… …

(a)       Educational Information

(b)       Personal, social issues information

(c)       Occupational information 

(d)       Job-oriented information        


Answer C


111. What form do we give to information which is valid and reliable factson physique help education and emotion, interpersonal leisure, moral and spiritual need of individuals?

(a)          Personal or social information 

(b)          Bibliographical or social information

(c)          Autobiographical personal information 

(d)          Consultancy personal information      


Answer A


112. “Counseling is a process by which a trouble person is helped to feel and behave in a more personally satisfying manner through interaction with and uninvolved person (the counselor)”. Who made this statement?

(a)          Ekwe (1991)

(b)          Anagbogu (1991) 

(c)          Olatunde (1991)

(d)          Osubagun (1991)                


Answer B


113. What term do we give to counseling between a counselor and a counselee?

 (a) Group counseling 

(b)          Individual counseling

(c)          Face-to-face counseling

(d)          Social counseling             


Answer B


114. When counseling is between the counselor and two or more counselees, we label it as what?

(a)          Individual counseling

(b)          Social counseling

(c)          Counseling section

(d)          Group counseling         


Answer D


115. “By referral we mean the act of transferring a client or student to another practitioner or agency for specialized assistance”. Who made this statement

(a)          Ekwe (1991)

(b)          Obagundu (1991)

(c)          Makinde (1983)

(d)          Olawoyo (1983)             


Answer C


116. The search for information, advise or help from another person or a source, which can render such help is termed as………………….

(a)          Referral

(b)          Consultation

(c)          Information 

(d)          Research                


Answer B


117. What term is given to a skill that involves the three process or stages: Receiving a message, processing a message and sending a message?

(a)          Listening

(b)          Communication

(c)          Recipient

(d)          Sending                   


Answer A


118. Who asserted that listening may be defined as a skill which involves three processes or stages: Receiving a message, processing a message and sending a message?

(a)          Ekwe (1991)

(b)          Cormier and Cormier (1979)

(c)          Olagbonu (1991)

(d)          O’Connor (1982)     


Answer B


119. The act of making something clearer or to shed more light on something is referred to as ……..

(a)          Listening

(b)          Communicating

(c)          Telling

(d)          Explanation             

Answer D

 120.  What term is given to the attitude of recognizing the value of people?

 (a) Acceptance

(b)          Explanation

(c)          Communicating

(d)          Telling         


Answer A


121.  How many forms of acceptance do we have?

(a)          1

(b)          2

(c)          3

(d)          4               


          Answer B


122.      What are the two forms of acceptance?

(a)          General acceptance and social acceptance

(b)          Group acceptance and individual acceptance

(c)          Acceptance of self and acceptance of others

(d)          Acceptance of listening and hearing   


Answer C


123.      The word ‘empathy’ has its route in the client or person centered-theory developed by which of the following persons?

(a)          Carl Rogers (1951) 

(b)          Bill Rose (1961)

(c)          John Bull (1960) 

(d)          Carl Jung (1972)       


Answer A


124.      The ability to put oneself ‘into another’s shoes’ is referred to as …………..

(a)          Empathy

(b)          Resemblance

(c)          Co-helper

(d)          Intimate friendship                


Answer A


125.      The ability to ‘feel with’ the client as if her situations were your own is termed………….

(a)          Empathy

(b)          Resemblance

(c)   Co-helper

(d)  Intimate friendship           


Answer A


126.      Who defined ‘empathy’ as the ability to ‘feel with’ the client as if her situation were your own?

(a)          Ekwe (1952)  

(b)          Olagunde (1960)

(c)          Brammer and Shostrum (1982) in Cormier and Cormier (1985)

(d)          Bill Rose (1961)             


Answer C


127.      A counseling technique or strategy that involved you, your pupils and sometimes their family members are referred to as……………………..

(a)          Role play method

(b)          Dramatization

(c)          Group counseling method

(d)          Social method                


Answer A


128. The process of having several pupils who have similar problems or concerns interact with each other in various ways, under the leadership of a trained counselor is referred to as ….………..

(a)          Group counseling

(b)          Personal counseling

(c)          Single counseling

(d)          Inter-personal counseling                  


Answer A


129.      The type of groups in which the membership changes as old members drop out and new members join is referred to as …………….

(a)          Open groups

(b)          Grouping

(c)          Personal groups

(d)          Family groups        


Answer A


130.      The type of group in which members generally stay is referred to as………..

 (a) Closed groups

(b)          Personal groups

(c)          Single groups

(d)          Open group                     


Answer A


131.      Homogenous groups can also be described as…..

(a)          Topic oriented groups

(b)          Mandatory membership groups

(c)          Volunteer membership groups

(d)          Open membership                        


Answer A


132.      The type of groups formed around similar topics or conflicts areas are termed as …….

(a)          Homogenous groups or topic-oriented groups

(b)          Mandatory membership groups 

(c)          Heterogeneous or mixed groups 

(d)          Socio-cultural groups                  


Answer A


133.      The type of groups where members have different personalities is referred to as ………

(a)          Homogenous groups or topic-oriented groups

(b)          Mandatory membership groups 

(c)          Heterogeneous or mixed groups 

(d)          Socio-cultural groups         


Answer A


134.      What term is given to groups where group members are selected by the leader or a school official 

      (a) Mandatory membership groups

     (b)    Heterogeneous or mixed groups

     (c)     Topic oriented groups

     (d)     Social groups              


Answer A


135.      What term is given to groups where volunteer membership, group member themselves decide whether they want to join or not?

(a)          Volunteer membership groups

(b)          Heterogeneous or mixed groups

(c)          Topic-oriented groups

(d)          Open membership groups                


Answer A


136.      Which of the following terms below is the language all children understand?

(a)          Play

(b)          Sound

(c)          Grouping

(d)          Vibration                    


Answer A


137.      A counseling strategy used mostly with children which involves using play techniques like sound, play, art, and toys as a way to understand and communicate with children is referred to as ………

(a)          Play therapy

(b)          Dramatization method

(c)          Demonstration method

(d)          Role play             


Answer A


138.      Which of the following persons is believed to be first person to use play therapy with children?

(a)          Wolf (1951)

(b)          Anastasia (1971)

(c)          Wolfgang (1970)

(d)          Anna Freud                         


Answer D


139.      In play therapy, who is considered the most important?

(a)          The teacher

(b)          The counselor

(c)          The child

(d)          The group             


Answer C


140.      What category of children is play therapy good for?

      (a) For children experiencing moral problems

(b)          For children experiencing social and moral problems

(c)          For children  experiencing serious emotional or behavior problems

(d)          For children experiencing mental problems       


Answer C


141.      Very difficult experiences such as children who have experienced physical or sexual or psychological abuse, parental suicide or diverse situations are termed as ……………

(a)          Traumatic or crisis experience

(b)          Paternal experience

(c)          Maternal experience

(d)          Emotional experience             

Answer A

State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE (Write ‘T for True and F for False

142.      Teacher-made test are not standardized tests.  


Answer : True


143.      Psychological tests used by psychologist and counselors are not standardized 


Answer : False


144.      A study habit inventory or test is a standardized test.     


Answer : True                 


145.      Vocational interest inventory is a standardized test which can be used to find out the level of interest (like or dislike) a pupil has for a number of occupation.            


Answer : True


146.      HIV\AIDS information describes a disease that affects a person. This is personal information                            


Answer : True


147.      How to groom oneself before going to a party is information on the self of an individual. It is therefore personal.  


Answer : True


148.      Listening is often referred to as the ‘heart’ of counseling. 


Answer : True


149.      Communication is always a two way affair. 


Answer : True


150.      Communication involves both listening and talking.


Answer : True


151.      Video games in the counseling office are encouraged. 


Answer : True


152.      In the counseling session, the term “to paraphrase, means to reward.    


Answer : True


153.      Reflection of feeling is probably the most valuable of all the counseling skill. This statement is attributed to

(a)Moro and Kottman (1955)

(b) Anastasia and Sly

(c) Koffah (1971)

(d) Sears and Slavin (1973)            


Answer A


154. When students approach guidance and counseling coordinators supernatural issues in religion and he has no information about that, where will he\she direct the student to go for information or whom should they consult?

      (a) The church elders.

(b) The fetish priest

(c) Their pastors and Imam

(d) The cardinals                   


Answer C


155.      Listening is often described as what in counseling?

(a)          The pivot of counseling

(b)          The heart of counseling

(c)          Communication in counseling

(d)          Conversation in counseling   


Answer B


156.      Who defined listening as a skill that involves three processes or stages

     (a) Corner and Corner (1969)

(b)          Sears and Anastasia (1984)

(c)          Cormier and Cormier (1979

(d)          Ludwig and Ludwig (1908)              


Answer C


157.      According to Cormier and Cormier (1979), listening involves three processes or stage. Mention them.

(a)          Communication, receiving and processing.

(b)          Receiving a message, processing a message and sending a message

(c)          Receiving a message, outlining the sounds and processing the sounds

(d)          Receiving a message and transmitting a message


Answer  B


158.      What kind of activity is involved when you are receiving your client’s message in counseling?

(a)          Overt activity

(b)          Open-ended activity

(c)          Listening activity

(d)          Covert activity                


Answer D


159.      In counseling, an activity which cannot be seen because it goes on in the counselors mind is referred to as………

(a)          Opening activity

(b)          Overt activity

(c)          Covert activity

(d)          Reliable activity                   


Answer C


160.  Processing a message is also covert, unseen. Why is it so?


(a)          It involves discussion between the two

(b)          It goes on inside the counselors mind

(c)          It involves talking and learning 

(d)          It goes on all the time                          


Answer B


161.      In counseling process the message is also an activity.

What activity is that?

(a)          Covert activity

(b)          Overt activity

(c)          Physical activity

(d)          Counseling activity              


Answer A


162.      Do you think there is difference between listening and hearing?

(a)          Yes

(b)          No                               


Answer A


163.      Why is hearing different from listening?

(a)          In hearing, the one only takes in the incoming sound without making any effort to make meaning of sound

(b)          Hearing is communication 

(c)          Hearing involves making some effort

(d)          Hearing is listening               


Answer A


164.      The best known authority or proponent of the directive approach used in counseling is ………….

(a)          John Darley

(b)          Edmund Williamson

(c)          Donald Patterson

(d)          Wilber Bingham      


Answer B


165.      Being able to see and understand things from the clients’ point of view is referred to as ……………

(a)          Listening

(b)          Hearing

(c)          Acceptance

(d)          Empathy   


Answer D


166.      To make something clearer or to shed more light on something during counseling session is referred to as


(a)          Paraphrasing content

(b)          Reflecting content

(c)          Summarizing

(d)          Clarification        


Answer D


167.      In counseling, to reword what you believe the client just described about a situation , an event or an idea is referred to as………………………...

a)    Paraphrasing content

b)   Reflecting content

c)    Summarizing

d)   Clarification               


Answer A


168. In counseling when you focus on the effect or feeling part of the clients message we refer to it as.…

(a)          Paraphrasing content

(b)          Reflecting content

(c)          Summarizing

(d)          Clarification        


Answer B


169. The most commonly identified non-verbal communication behavior(s) is/are………..

(a)          Bodily contact

(b)          Facial expression

(c)          Gestures

(d)          All the above      


Answer D


170. What is generally believed as the primary source of information next to human speech is …………….

(a)          Posture

(b)          Head nods

(c)          Facial Expression

(d)          Bodily contact                    




171.      What are the two forms of acceptance? Mention them. 

(a)          Acceptance of the truth and lying 

(b)          Acceptance of self and acceptance of others

(c)          Acceptance of guidance and counseling

(d)          Acceptance of listening and hearing                   


Answer B


172.      Acceptance is both a counselor skill and counselor


(a)          Aptitude

(b)          Attitude

(c)          Behaviors of client

(d)          Counselors understanding                  


Answer B


173.      The attitude of recognizing the value of people is referred to as ………………

(a)          Acceptance

(b)          Respect

(c)          Self-acceptance

(d)          Behavioral acceptance                    


Answer A


174.      The attitude of recognizing the values, dignity and worth of other people is ………..

(a)          Self-acceptance

(b)          Acceptance characteristics

(c)          Acceptance of others

(d)          None of the above            


Answer C


175.      The word empathy has its root in the client or person centered-theory developed by who?

(a)          Karl Marx (1954)

(b)          Carl Rogers (1951)

(c)          Butler and Butler (1960)

(d)          Sears and Sears (1984)             


Answer B


176.      The ability to put oneself into the shoes of others is referred to as ……………

(a)          Sympathy

(b)          Empathy

(c)          Clemency

(d)          Royalty                          


Answer B


177.      In counseling, to be non-judgmental towards a person means……………..

(a)          Being in or understanding the persons frame of reference

(b)          Having sympathy on others

(c)          Being selfish

(d)          Not to judge that person


Answer D


178.      In counseling, what helps you to keep your personal thoughts, feelings and behaviors of your client is referred to as


(a)          An internal boundary

(b)          An external boundary

(c)          An overt boundary

(d)          A secret boundary            


Answer A


179.      A unique technique that can be used to help families understand children’s problems is referred to as………………

(a)          Demonstration method

(b)          Discussion method

(c)          Discovery method

(d)          Role play method        


Answer D


180.      What are the four basic counseling skills?

(a)          Tracking, restating content, reflecting of feeling and limiting

(b)          Listening, communication, hearing and receiving.

(c)          Repetition, pronunciation, hearing and listening

(d)          Listening, questioning, empathy and genuineness.


Answer A


181.      In counseling, the act of describing the child’s behavior to him or her is referred to as …………..

(a)          Restating content

(b)          Reflecting content

(c)          Limiting content

(d)          Repetition content                        


Answer C


182.      In counseling when the counselor tells the child what he/she has said using his own words, this is referred to as


(a)          Restating content

(b)          Limiting content

(c)          Reflecting content

(d)          Repetition content                   


Answer A


183.      Which of the following people said that the reflection of feeling is probably the most valuable of all the counseling skills?

(a)          Womanizer and Womanizer (1951)

(b)          Moro and Kouman (1955)

(c)          Sears and Tellberg (1950)

(d)          Didier and Freud              


Answer B


184.      In the play counseling relationship, the skill that helps the counselor to maintain an attitude of deep understanding and acceptance towards the child is referred to as……….

(a)          Reflection of feeling

(b)          Retracting 

(c)          Referral

(d)          Limits                     


Answer D


185.      A counseling approach which is premised on the need to maximize the counselee’s intellectual resources and to enable him/her develop problem solving behavior is called ………

(a)          The psychoanalytic approach

(b)          The eclectic approach

(c)          Behavioral approach 

(d)          Client-centered approach         


Answer B


186.      The scope of guidance and counseling programs was widened to include the first cycle school in Ghana in the


(a)          1982

(b)          1974

(c)          1955

(d)          1960                   


Answer A


187.      Which of the following labels is associated with the client centered approach to counseling?

      (a) Self-theory and person centered

(b)          Person centered and humanistic

(c)          Non directive and rogesial counseling

(d)          All the above           


Answer D


188.      The counseling approach which views conflicts as inevitable in humans and that human behavior is directed towards reducing this tension is called …..

(a)          The psychoanalytic approach

(b)          The eclectic approach 

(c)          Behavioral approach 

(d)          Directive approach                


Answer A


189.      The part of the component of Freud’s structure of personality, which is viewed as the only rational element of personality, mediating between the Id and the constraints of reality is called……………

(a)          Super ego

(b)          Id

(c)          Ego

(d)          Brains                         


Answer C


190.      The component of Freud’s structure of personality which represents the conscience of the mind and operates on a principle of moral realism is the …………….

(a)          Ego

(b)          Id

(c)          Superego

(d)          Brain             


Answer C


191.      Which of the components of Freud’s structure of personality is primitive impulse part of our personality demanding instant reward efforts irrespective of the consequence of the action?

(a)          Id 

(b)          Ego

(c)          Superego

(d)          Brain                


Answer A


192.      Freud saw the adult personality as consisting of three components namely;

(a)          Oral, anal and phallic

(b)          Pre-genital, latency and genital

(c)          Id, ego and superego

(d)          None of the above             


Answer C


193.      The Oedipus and Electra complexes are derived from:

(a)          Latin literature

(b)          Greek mythology

(c)          Spanish theory

(d)          Russian language       


Answer B


194.      The guidance and counseling program that is available to help pupils make correct educational and vocational choices adjustments in and out of the school is called………

(a)          Counseling service 

(b)          Appraisal services

(c)          Placement service

(d)          Information service    


Answer C


195.      The orientation service among the school guidance and counseling program is also referred to as ……………..

(a)          Distributive service

(b)          Inventory service 

(c)          Placement service 

(d)          Information service


Answer C


196.      Which of the following is a kind of placement service?

(a)          Vocational/career placement

(b)          Social placement

(c)          Educational placement 

(d)          All the above                     


Answer  D


197.      The counseling approach which is closely associated with child and adolescent development and learning is called


(a)          Client-centered approach

(b)          Directive approach Psychoanalytic approach

(c)          Behavioral approach

(d)          Behavioral approach         


Answer D


198.      The counseling approach which is highly rational, logical and logical and intellectual in nature placing emphasis on reason and problem solving is described as …………..

(a)          The directive approach

(b)          Behavioral approach

(c)          Client-centered approach

(d)          Eclectic approach                 


Answer A


199.      Directive counseling is one of the cognitive counseling also known as…….

(a)          Trait and factor approach

(b)          Minnesota point of view

(c)          Counselor centered theory

(d)          All the above                   


Answer D


200.      The information service in counseling is sometimes referred to as ………………

(a)          Distributive service

(b)          Adaptive service 

(c)          Career service

(d)          Inventory service                 


Answer A


201.      Which of these is a component of information service in the guidance program?

  (a) Career/occupational

(b)          Educational

(c)          Personal-social issues

(d)          All the above          


Answer D


202.      The guidance service which provides facts on cocareer/occupation, educational and personal-social issues is referred to as ………………….

(a)          Information service

(b)          Placement service 

(c)          Distributive service 

(d)          Appraisal service                           


Answer A


203.      The introduction of guidance and counseling in Ghana dates back to 

(a) 1960

(b)          1974

(c)          1955

(d)          1967                                    


Answer  C


204.      Guidance and counseling programs were introduced or established in second cycle schools throughout the country in

the year………………

(a)          1974

(b)          1982

(c)          1955

(d)          1967                 


Answer A


205.      What is meant by the statement guidance is developmental?

(a)          It helps people adjust to the problems of one stage before proceeding

(b)          It helps people to develop skills

(c)          It is a long process

(d)          It is only meant for people at the lower developmental stages of life.      

Answer A


Item 207 to 222 are True or False. Indicate by circling whether an option is True or False.

206.      The voice tone and pitch of a verbal communication during counseling can change the meaning of whatever is spoken

(a)          True

(b)          False                    


Answer A


207.      Personal dress is a non-verbal medium of communication.

(a)          True

(b)          False       


Answer A


208.      The primitive and impulsive part of human personality that operates on the pleasure principle is known as ego.

(a)             True

(b)            False         


Answer B


209.      Dream analysis is a procedure employed in client centered approach to counseling

(a)             True

(b)            False              


Answer B


210.      Vocational counseling is also referred to as educational counseling

(a)             True

(b)            False                    


Answer B


211.      In directive approach to counseling, standardized objectives test can be used to identify the individual characteristics of the people.

(a)             True

(b)            False                               


Answer A


212.      Counseling is limited to only one person. 

a)           True

b)          False             


Answer B


213.      Educational counseling deals with the feelings of clients.

(a)             True

(b)            False              


Answer B


214.      Respect or regard for the counselee is a care condition necessary for counseling. 

(a)             True

(b)            False           


Answer A


215.      In person-social counseling, issues relating to pupils feelings, undesirable habits, their weaknesses and relationship problems are dealt with

(a)             True

(b)            False          


Answer B


216.      When counseling of pupils is based on academic matters such as study habits, inability to concentrate in class, etc., then we are talking about vocational counseling

     (a)      True

     (b)       False      


Answer B


217.      During the oral stage (0-2 years) the individuals libido(i.e. principal pleasures seeking force) is concentrated around the mouth

(a)             True

(b)            False         


Answer A


218.      During the anal stage (2-4 years) the libido moves to anus and the child begins to derive great pleasure from defecating.

(a)             True

(b)            False                             


Answer B


219.      During the phallic stage (4-6 years) the child libido moves to the genital area and as children become aware of their sexuality, they develop sex-role identity.

(a)             True

(b)            False    


Answer A


220.      At the latency stage (6-11 years) sexual urges are relatively quiet and children moves from home to form acquaintances with peers and these peer relationships take on greater importance in their emotional and intellectual development. 

(a)          True

(b)          False              


Answer A


221.      The super-ego represents the ideal more than the real and strives for perfection rather than pleasure   

(a) True

(b) False


Answer A


Supply the appropriate response to complete the following statements


222.      In Ghanaian schools, the document used in the appraisal of pupils is referred to as …


  Answer : Cumulative Record


223.      The degree of privacy in counseling which makes it impossible for others to hear what the counselor and the client discuss is known as ……..


  Answer : Confidentiality


224.      Another name for information service is……


  Answer : Distributive service


225.      A counseling situation in which fairly mature students provide counseling services in some selected problem areas to other students is called………


  Answer :  Peer Counseling


226.      The guidance service in which we collect, analyze and use variety of objects data for the purpose of better understanding the client is known as ………


  Answer : Appraisal Services


Specify which of the following situations listed below guidance events are and which ones are counseling events

227.      A talk to JHS students on the Vocational and educational opportunities in the country for BECE graduates ………


  Answer :   GUIDANCE


228. Martha seeing her housemistress to express concern about the attitude of her roommate towards her is……….   


       Answer :  COUNSELING


229.      Mr. Ankrah presents a lesson to his primary six classes on dangers of drug abuse….


  Answer : GUIDANCE


230.      A pupil confesses to you that he stole a book from the school which he wants to return because the event haunts him .................




231.      When a teacher provides HIV/AIDS education to his JHS1 class…………


  Answer : GUIDANCE


232.      A pupil went to see his teacher for discussion on his poor school performance ….


  Answer :  COUNSELING



Candidates are to answer ONLY TWO (2) Questions from this section out of 3 or 4 Questions in 80 minutes.


I have therefore answered these questions to guide you. Note that because of time and space the points given could not be explained. It is the duty of the candidates to explain the points in his or her writing and if possible support his/ her answers with relevant examples and illustrations.

Thank you.


 A. Identify four (4) differences between the concepts “guidance and counseling”

B.  Discuss any four roles the teacher can play in support of guidance and counseling in the school.




The differences may include the following ideas:



1. It is preventive in nature and intends to prevent a problem from occurring.

1. It is rather curative in nature. It is provided when a problem is had already occurred and solution is needed.

2. Can be given by anybody who feels capable of doing.

2. It is done by specially trained professionals.

3. Is made up of many services.

i.e. it is broader.

3. It is one of the services of the guidance programme.

4. It is usually initiated by the counselor.

4. It is usually initiated by the client or the one with the problem.

5. Guidance may not be based on a specific problem.

5. Counseling is based on an identified program.

6. Guidance is usually well structured.

6. Counseling is well structured and can be affected by changes in the interaction.

7. It can be given within certain period or specific time.

7. It is a continuous process and goes on throughout the individual’s life.

8. Guidance may be a one way interaction where clients only receive.

8. Counseling is a two way interaction. It involves the counselor and the client.

9. Guidance does not involve confidential information

9. Counseling most often involves confidential information.

10. Guidance information may be given at a distance. e.g. telephone, radio, letter.

10. Counseling involves face-to face relationship.

11. Recipients of guidance are always “normal” persons not worried in any way.

11. The recipients of counseling are always worried with some problems.



Note that apart from using the table form to answer; candidates can also use the essay If you talk about guidance you can bring the difference in counseling in an essay form.



Roles the teacher can play in support of guidance and counseling in the school.

              The teacher should teach all subjects on the time table to make sure that needs, interest of all pupils are identified/ attended to.

              The teachers offer group counseling to pupils on common problems.

              Assess pupils’ performance and provide genuine information for the records.

              Refer pupils with special problems to appropriate professionals for help e.g. specialist, ear etc.

              Offer vocational guidance and other forms of advice to pupils.

              The teacher can serve on the school guidance committee team.

              Provide conducive atmosphere for pupils to interact with teachers.

              Attending meetings and workshops for promoting guidance activities in the school.

 Inform pupils about the service in the school.

              Confer with the head and other teachers on the problems of pupils.

              Partake in organizing career conferences, orientations and symposia for pupils

              Consultation with parents and significant others of pupils to know more about them.

              Monitor growth, development and progress of all pupils.






  Answer :

      To ensure that pupils adjust  properly to school rules and facilities available

      To help plan and develop suitable school programme and curriculum needs of pupils.

      To help make parents aware of certain situations and conditions at home which destabilize children and create negative behaviours such as parental beating, denial of basic needs etc.

      To provide appropriate play activities and facilities to stimulate total growth of the child.

      To help identify the needs of pupils and make them known to parents.

      To foster close co-operation between schools and the educational and social support services that provide for the needs of the children.

      To help pupils to develop good learning habits.

      To help pupils understand and appreciate their uniqueness or how they differ from others, including their aptitudes, strength, interest etc.

      To help give good placement to pupils in the school





Answer :

      Lack of trust and credibility – If the client does not trust the counselor he/ she may refuse to give the needed information.

      Language use – Effective communication depend on the medium of communication. If the two did not understand themselves in terms of grammar, semantic and choice of words it will block the message being conveyed.

      The climate surrounding the counseling session– If the place is noisy and rowdy the meaning of whatever is communicated may be missing.

      Moralism and Preaching rather than counseling session – If the counselor does not address the issue at stake but rather turns a preacher talking about moral issues, the client will not follow him/ her.

      Poor Questioning Skills of the counselor – If the questioning skills of the counselor are not sharp, he/ she cannot get to the bottom of the problem in question.

      The nature of the client – At time the counselee mood may not open up for effective communication in counseling session. The client may be emotionally or psychologically disturbed. If the counselor fails to notice these, communication may not be effective in counseling.

      The negative personality of the counselor can be a barrier to effective communication – The counselor must not possess anything which can influence the the dressing, comportment, character etc.

      The interpersonal factors such as the inability of the counselor to establish effective rapport and link up with the attitude of the counselee.

      The influence of the client’s perception of the status of the one who cannot keep secrets, one who is bossy etc.

      Misinterpretation of non-verbal cues by both counselor and counselee.

      Overloaded information – that is too much been said within a short period or tackling too many prongs of the problem at the same time.

      The age of the client.







  Answer :

(A) Kinds of data on cumulative record card.

      Personal/ Biographical data – this include the name of the pupil (surname, other name(s), date of birth, sex, nationality, hometown, mother tongue, religion and other related information.

      Family Data – this include the address and full name of parents/ guardians, parent’s occupation, place of work etc.

      Health Records - here is recorded the health history of the pupil which include clinics and hospitals attended, checklist of illness, physical defects if any etc.

      Standardized Test Results – all standardized test results are recorded including the name of the test, date, class, grades and scores obtained etc.

      Educational and Vocational Goal – pattern of school courses desired, vocational choices.

      Special Talents And Interests – they include hobbies, sports, office held, clubs and societies.

      Personal Traits – emotional control, creativity, work habit, being respectful, kind etc.

      Academic records and achievements.

      Additional information


(B) Uses of Cumulative Record Card/ Data.

      It provides background information about students which becomes useful when they move into a new class or school.

      It helps the teacher to place the child in an appropriate group.

      It helps the teacher to know the problem that the child has educational, vocational, health etc.

      It helps at certain times to suspect some reasons for the child’s behaviour.

      It helps to identify talented students and to know the weak ones, so that the teacher can individualize instruction.

      It provides information to discuss in Parent-Teacher Conferences/meetings.

      It helps pupils/students to plan for their own future as they know themselves.

      It forces the teacher to know the child as he/she cannot ignore the information available.

      It provides information for counseling.

      It guides in writing testimonials for pupils.






  Answer :  

The following are some of the factors that can enhance communication in counseling.

      The personality of the counselor – The personality of the counselor can attract a counselee to speak freely of his/ her problem. for instance, being friendly, simple and gentle, accommodating and attentive/ attractive. On the other hand, the counselor being bossy, talkative, lackadaisical and indifferent will put off the counselee not to freely speak out his/ her problems.

      The nature of the client – A very confident client can openly express his/ her feelings and give appropriate answer to the counselor’s questions. Also an extrovert client is likely to involve himself/ herself in communication with the counselor more than an introvert or shy person.

      The condition under which counseling is done – A welcoming atmosphere will definitely elicit open and free response from a client who has come to seek solution to his/ her problem. Also assurance and confidentially and privacy will give a client the urge to say all that he/ she has to say without fear of his/ her secrets becoming a topic for discussions.

      The skills of the counselor – The questioning skills of the counselor should be those that promote continuous interaction between the client and the counselor. Also the responses from the counselor to the clients’ statements and reactions should convey the appropriate message to the client.

      The Form/ Style of communication used – Communication can be carried either through verbal means or non verbal-means. If through verbal means, the words used should be clear to both the counselor and counselee. Simple and straight forward language should be used for easy understanding. Non-verbal cues such as signs, gestures and body movements should be used effectively to communicate meaning to both the client and the counselor.

      The Environment of the communication – If the environment is devoid of noise and other attractions, it will be easy for those involve in the communication to listen well before giving feedback.



(a)        WHAT IS GUIDANCE?



  Answer :

(a)       Guidance is the process of helping an individual to understand himself or his world (Shertzer and Stone 1976). The schools guidance programme or pupils support service usually include the Orientation/ Adaptive Service, the Appraisal/ Inventory Service, Consultation Service, Counseling Service, Information/ Distributive Service and Placement/ Planning Service. In short, it is any of the above services in the school system which assists individual pupils in the school to help themselves to overcome their problems.


(b)       Description of the Principles of Guidance 

      Guidance is for all children/ students - It is not worthwhile if the guidance activities in a school aim at the troublesome children, since education is meant for all children and guidance is the integral part of the educational system. It must be designed in such a way that all children will benefit from its services. In this way, the development issues of all children would be taken care of.

      Guidance is a continuous, sequential educational process - Apart from being continuous and sequential it is developmental in nature. In educational settings, it must begin from KG through Primary, JHS and SHS to the University, i.e. it is a programme for all ages and has no end.

      Guidance is oriented towards co-operation but not compulsion - Students cannot be compelled to submit to guidance. The absence of coercion or pressure is the hallmark of guidance. A pupil/ students come for guidance because he/she believes that he/she could be helped to solve his/her problem. i.e. mutual consent of the individual involved.

      The Primary mode by which guidance is conducted lies in individual behavioural processes - As indicated above, guidance is concerned with personal development. The guidance practitioner’s subject is the personal world of the individual, namely his attitudes and personal perceptions that forms the basis on which he acts. It uses test interpretation, sessions, personal interviews and counseling relationship to help the individual understand his own internal structure or personality.

      Guidance is a team effort - the implication of this principle is that, the needs of the pupils and students are varied and numerous. For this reason, the guidance coordinator cannot be equipped with all the skills, techniques and expertises to enable him/ her satisfy all the needs. Other resource personnel like teachers, psychologists, social workers, nurses and administrators need to be invited to assist where necessary. This principle simply means one person cannot give guidance. Many people should pull resources to give comprehensive guidance services.

      Guidance is based upon recognizing the dignity and worth of individuals as well as their right to choose - This means that it recognizes the freedom of the individual to make his own decisions. In guidance therefore, personnel only help individuals by providing information and alternatives that would help client to select their own purposes of life.  

      Guidance must look out for the strengths of the child and stress them - It is a service that seeks to help the individual to understand himself/ herself and the around him/ her. In order to achieve this, the child’s good points/ positive things should be helped to develop

      Decision making is essential in guidance - This principle means that the guidance programme is directed towards helping individuals to make informed choices and decisions in effect to reach a goal. Each individual at one time or the other requires advice to make decision.

      Guidance must constantly be evaluated and improved - From time to time evaluation must be made in order to make amends so that it will encourage positive development.






  Answer :


      Adjusting to interaction with several subject teachers.

      Adjusting to new environment as the school is new completely to him/ her.

      Problem of studying new subjects altogether.

      New rules and regulations.

      Problem of studying longer in school.

      Problem of staying longer in school as compared to the primary school.

      Problem of making new friends and how to cope with older pupils i.e. seniors. 

Those who are in their adolescent age may encounter the following:

      Physical e.g. extra uniforms, additional money for feeding, shoes, bags, etc.

      Emotional especially independence needs e.g. love, care, respect etc.

      Social recognition, status, matured, independence.

      Moral as an adult so less control.


(b)    HOW GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING CAN HELP.  Providing relevant information to pupils through career conferences, visits to places of work, excursions, institution etc.

      Helping pupils to make choice and take decisions on their own.

      Offering opportunities for pupils to be exposed to good influences e.g. role models.

      Helping in the establishment and adherence to rules and regulations.

      The provision of sufficient recreational activities and the learning of hobbies e.g. games, clubs and societies.

      Providing channels for assisting students with problems e.g. Prefectorial Board.

      Ensuring the appropriate helping relationship between teachers and students.

      Consultation with parents, specialists and other identifiable persons who matter in the upbringing of children.






  Answer :

      Most students have no confidence in guidance and counseling co-ordinators or do not know the values of guidance and so do not avail themselves for guidance services.

      Lack of funds for carrying out guidance duties in schools e.g. funds to follow-up services, funds to purchase materials for work etc.

      Lack of office accommodation for the guidance activities. The work requires confidentiality, so if there is no place for it, pupils are not willing to go for counseling services even if they have problems.

      No training facilities for training guidance personnel.

      Guidance co-ordinators in schools are not specially trained and so do not perform effectively and efficiently.

      The guidance and counseling co-ordinators in the schools are also classroom teachers. They are therefore overburdened preventing them to do their work effectively.

      Guidance and counseling relies on information. If the people who are concern to give relevant information to the co-ordinators are not willing to give accurate and reliable information the coordinators find it difficult to work effectively.

      Lack of motivation for guidance activities.


From Q8 a question like this can arise:





  Answer :


The candidate can use the problems raised in questions 8 and find solutions to them. E.g.

      On confidence, you can suggest that guidance co-ordinators should try to win the confidence of their clients so that they can approach them at anytime they have problems.

      On funds, you can suggest that both the government and other stakeholders in education should come together to solicit/ raise funds for guidance activities in the school e.g. funds raising, school/ community harvest, concert, games etc.

      Schools should take upon themselves that there are proper places in the schools which are earmarked for guidance activities and these places are also properly resourced/ furnished.

      The authorities in education should see to it that qualified and well trained personnel are sent to the schools to do guidance and counseling works and also avenues should be created for

guidance and counseling co-ordinators to update their skills through in-service training and refresher courses.

      There should be proper co-operation between guidance and counseling co-ordinators and all other people who matter in the education of the child so that they can operate with them. There should be personnel in the schools who are solely trained to take care of guidance and counseling activities in the schools rather than doubling as both classroom teachers and co-ordinators.

      Personnel who are involved in guidance and counseling programmes should be motivated enough to give off their best.





  Answer :

The guidance co-ordinator is responsible for counseling students on matters of self understanding, decision making and planning e.g. selection of careers and courses.

      He/ She gathers information on pupils and use them to help students/ pupils in their development e.g. opportunities for further education.

      He/ She helps to plan and develop the guidance programme according to the needs of the pupils in the school.  He/ She provides leadership in the school’s programme of pupils appraisal by collecting meaningful information about each pupil and interpreting the information to pupils, their parents and teachers.

      He/ She assist in providing placement services for pupils by helping them to make appropriate choices of school subjects and to develop long range plans of study and helps them to make transition from one class to another, from one school to another and from school to employment.

      He/ She helps parents by acting as a consultant to them regarding the growth and development of their children, providing them with information about education and vocational opportunities.



(a)    What is counseling

(b) Describe any FIVE basic principles that should direct a guidance program.

  Answer :


a) Guidance is the process of helping an individual to understand himself or his world –Shertzer and Stone (1976). The school guidance program or pupils support services usually include the orientation/adaptive service, the Appraisal/Inventory service, consultation service, counseling service,

Information/Distributive Service and the placement service.


v Guidance is for all students:

 It is not worthwhile if the guidance activities in a school aim only at the troublesome children, since education is meant for children and guidance is an integralpart of the education system, it must design in such a way that all children would benefit from its services. In this way, the development issues of all children would be taken care of.


v Guidance is continuous, sequential educational process: Apart from being continuous and sequential, it is developmental in nature. In educational settings, it must begin from kindergarten through primary, JHS, SHS to the university,’s from childhood or programs for all ages such that it will bridge the gap between one educational level and the other.


v Guidance is oriented towards co-operation, not compulsion: Students cannot be compelled to submit to guidance. The absence of coercion or pressure is the hallmark of guidance. A pupil/student comes for guidance because he believes he could be helped to solve his problem, i.e. mutual consent of the individual involved.


v The primary mode by which guidance is conducted lies in individual behavioral processes:

As indicated above, guidance practitioner’s subject matter is the personal world of the individual, namely his attitude and personal perceptions that forms the basis on which he acts. It uses test interpretation sessions, personal interviews and counseling relationship to help the individual understand his own internal structure or personality.

v Guidance is a team effort:

The implication of the principle is that, the need of the pupils and the students are varied and numerous. For this reason the guidance coordinator cannot be equipped with all the skills, techniques and expertise to enable him satisfy all the needs. Other resource personnel like teachers, psychologists, social workers, nurses and administrators need not be invited to assist where necessary.


v Guidance based upon recognizing the dignity and worth of the individuals well as their right to choose:

This means that it recognizes the ability and freedom of the individual to make the right choices and make his own decisions. IN Guidance, therefore, personnel only help individuals by providing information and alternatives that would help clients to select their decisions in life.


v Decision making is essential guidance: This principle means that the guidance program is directed towards helping individual to make well informed choices and decisions in effect to reach a goal. Each individual at one time or another requires advice to make decisions



a) Explain any FOUR ways in which the assessment of pupils can facilitate the guidance program in the school

b) How can guidance improve pupil’s performance?


  Answer :


v  Assessment help diagnose students’ academic/learning problems which provide the basis for guidance officer to organizerelevant programs on study skills, preparing for examination and effective use of time, etc. for students.


v  Assessment provides accurate and reliable information about students’ abilities, aptitudes and interest and even personality traits. All these are relevant to the guidance officer as he plans services like placement, information, etc. that seeks to enhance individual self-understanding.


v  Assessment provides accurate data that helps the guidance officer to predict future performances of students.


v  Assessment data also helps in the evaluation of the entire guidance program. The data enables the guidance officer to determine whether or not objectives of the program have been achieved.


v Assessment data also provides basis for consultation with parents and teachers on how best students could be assisted



v  Consultation with classroom teacher or parents on the students’ performance and progress.


v  Creating awareness for thorough discussion of students’ academic and other problems.


v  Providing or assisting students to have access to educational, vocational and social information


v  Administer psychological tests to gather relevant data on the students learning performance.


v  Placing students on the appropriate program



a)   Explain any THREE reasons why you supported the provision of Guidance Services in your school of attachment.

b)   Discuss any FOUR strategies you suggested for the effective coordination of guidance services in the school.




v  The services serve different purposes and each is vital for the development of the child/parent.


v  The services are interrelatedand each provides information for the other e.g. information service, placement service, appraisal service.


v  There is the need to cater for the different needs of the child


v  The services would promote the total development of the child

i.e. affective, cognitive, and psychomotor development of the child.


v  The services would serve as a means of reaching out to the community, since parents could benefit from the services


v  The program requires the services of different people who work together to meet the needs of pupils.


v  The effectiveness of guidance programs is measured by the effectiveness of all the services together.




v  Appointment of a guidance and counseling coordinator


v  Creation of an office for the guidance counseling coordinator or providing logistics.


v  Team building involving all staff in the provision of the services


v  Meeting with staff and scheduling a time table for the various activities


v  Making students aware of the time table for the various activities 


Advertising the timetable for the various activities 


v  Meeting students and making them aware of the existence of these services


v  Informing parents of the availability of the various services


v  Drawing a schedule of meeting all teachers involved in the provision of the services.



Explain any FIVE roles of the classroom teacher with regard to each of the following

a) Engaging pupils in guidance program

 b) Involving parents in the guidance program

c) Collaborating with the guidance coordinator

  Answer :


v  Organize orientation sessions for new pupils entering the class or school


v  Teach all subjects on the timetable to make sure that the interests and needs of all pupils are attended to.


v  Assess performances and enter their scores in the cumulative record book.


v  Consult with parents and significant others in the society to give and receive information about the child can be based.


v  Inform pupils about the guidance and services offered by the school.


v  Organize career conferences and symposia to inform pupils about the requirements for various jobs.


v  Guide and counsel pupils on the choice of school subjects and vocation 


v  Initiate counseling discussions with individual pupils with problems 


v  Monitor the growth, development and  progress of all pupils


v  Provide parents with information about the progress and other behavior of their wards.


v  Inform parents on what they need to do to ensure the participation and the retention of pupils in school.


v  Provide parents with information about jobs and educational opportunities and requirements


v  Educate parents on new jobs, new courses of study and new schools that are opened to children to choose


v  Make parents aware of certain conditions and situations at home which destabilize children e.g. rejection, denial of basic personal needs and school denial of basic personnel and school needs as well as beating.


v  Encourage parents to take keen interest in the formation and activities of Parents Teachers Association (PTA)


Encourage parents to visit the school regularly to interact with the teachers of their wards 


v  Direct parents to places and institutions where they cn seek medical and financial assistance.


v  Provide accurate and reliable appraisal scores on your pupils to the guidance coordinator


v  Take active part in the guidance committees to plan and implement the guidance program in the school.


v  Direct pupils with specific problems to the coordinator 


v  Honestly supply information about the pupil’s background, health, etc.


v  Confer with the guidance coordinator in all matters relating to guidance.



a) Describe the orientation service in guidance and counseling

b) Explain any FOUR reasons why there should be orientation in schools

c) List any FOUR strategies to adopt in organizing an orientation service as the guidance coordinator of your school of attachment

  Answer :  


v  Orientation service is provided to help pupils who have been admitted in to new school to help them adjust to new environment. Many of such students feel socially and psychologically inadequate, as they no longer enjoy the support from friends, parents and former teachers. Orientation is thus meant to familiarize students with the overall situation and enable them adjust well to their new environment.


v  According to Stephenson (1999), the orientation service is an organized group of activities through which students are given assistance to make adjustment to the school


v  It is one of the organized guidance services that is carried out by the school to assist new students get acquainted with human and material resources in the school environment.


v  Thus it is a formal welcome of new students into an institution.



v  Orientation helps new students to psychologically and physically adjust to their new surroundings. This helps to remove the fear and anxiety, which some students may have when moved into a new educational environment.


v  New students stand the chance to interact with school authorities as they are given the opportunity to ask questions 


v  Helps the newly admitted to know the channels of communication in the school


v  School authorities use orientation programs to explain issues that are of vital importance to the students, e.g. school rules could be explained to new students so that they would be aware of their responsibilities.


New students have the opportunity to know more about the school facilities at their disposal and how to access them e.g. Library, counseling centre, administration block, ICT center, etc.


v  Helps clear doubt on the minds of new corners as orientation helps them to know their worth.


v  Helps brings about socialization to new students.


v  Helps new students to know much more about their subjects, how assessment is done and what is demanded of them. c)

v  Draw a program together with the school authority and the guidance committee


v  Introduce the students to the physical plants of the school such as the library, school farm, dispensary, urinal, toilet and other facilities in the school.


v  Inform students about the administrative setup, the teaching staff and the non-teaching staff


v  Introduce students to the rules and regulations governing the students conduct and the use of school facilities.


v  Brief pupils and teachers on how the school is organized 


v  Organize visits to relevant places within the school environment e.g. playground, workshops, bookshops, library, school farm etc.


v  Introduce the staff to the pupils.



a) What is counseling?

b) Explain any FIVE purposes of counseling


  Answer :


The term counseling has always been used in relation to guidance. Counseling is part of the guidance and may be defined as follows:

ü For Pecku, (1984), it is a relationship that involves face-to-face interaction between the counselor and the counselee in taking self-committed decisions.


ü A professional definition of counseling put up by Thompson and Poppen(1972) stated that counseling is a person to person relationship in which one person helps another to solvea problem.


ü Makinde (1991) explains counseling as consultation, discussion, deliberation, exchange of ideas, advice or process of decisionmaking. Some of the deductions that can be made from the definitions are as follows:


      Counseling takes place mostly between two people (counselor and counselee/client) except in the case of group counseling.


      Counseling takes place in a confidential setting.


      Counseling is started by a person who needs help and maintained by the counselor to ensure a positive change in the behavior of the client


      Counseling is intimately personal and highly emotional since  the counselee exposes him/herself completely. During the process of counseling the client is encouraged to know him or herself and different steps are taken to help him or herself his or her problem


      Some of the theoretical approaches used in counseling include the directive Approach, Behavioral approach, Client- Centered approach, Psycho-analytic approach  and the eclectic approach



ü Counseling seeks to make the individual ‘normal’ stable persons who will be free of anxieties, fear and emotional depression so that they can be able to live a much happier live.


ü Counseling prepares the individual to plan his or her life. In a way, it is focused upon individual problems and needs of pupils and helps them learn what is needed to solve these problems. Counselees then become independently able to set appropriate goals to handle future difficulties.


ü Counseling makes the individual come to terms with his/her environment and builds acceptable interpersonal relationship with neighbors in order to maintain a harmonious co-existence.


ü Counseling provides the individual with the capacity to make informed choices on academic, vocational and personal – social issues to promote the societies development


ü The fundamental goal of counseling is to effect change in behavior, which in turn permits the individual to live a more productive and self-satisfying life.


ü In times of crisis, counseling seeks to come to the aid of the individual making him or her come to terms with situations to enable the person make an informed decision


ü Counseling seeks to help the individual to appreciate the realities of life. The individuals are made to see issues as they really are (i.e. self-realization) and the various alternative actions that can be taken to resolve problems.



a) What does a counseling session mean?

b) Explain any FIVE basic principles of a good  counseling session


  Answer :  


Counseling may seem like ordinary conversation between two people to the unsophisticated but the professional, it is a complex endeavor. An effective counseling must be characterized by communication between the counselor and the counselee. Each pays particular attention to the feelings and problems of the other. They each listen attentively to other.  They interact with because the client may by his/her behavior and facial expressions send messages. He/she needs not utter a word, but may be communicating a lot. We can only get the meaning of what is happening or get to understand what is happening if we pay attention. Counselors do not only listen with their ears but also with their eyes.


b) If the counselor is to achieve his goal of making life meaningful he must be guided by the following:


ü He should establish excellent rapport with his client by making his goal clear to him. Make effective use of non-verbal cues by smiling and calling him/her by his name


ü Having identified the counselee’s problem the counselor must stick to it closely as possible by listening to him very carefully.


ü The counselor must emphasize with his client  (i.e. he must be able to know the feelings of the client and let this reflect in him)


ü Existence of an atmosphere of mutual trust and confidence since it is intimately personal and highly emotional.


ü Good counseling should neither be judgmental nor directive. The counselor must allow the counselee freedom to relate all that he has to say and must accept all feelings that the client expresses as completely normal and understandable. He must neither direct nor lead the discussion; instead the clients lead the way which the counselor follows.


ü Since counseling aims at helping a counselee to decide or cope with a distress, it must end with a decision being taken by the counselee to enable him adjust properly in society.


ü Accept the client, respect him/her and relate well with him/her in spite of his human frailties and deformities. This calls for patience and tolerance from the counselor who must as well establish a permissive atmosphere that will enhance free exchange of feeling and ideas.



a) Describe an TWO areas of similarity between 


Answer :   






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